Taking Care Of Johnny

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After Johnny got examined by the surgeons, they announced to the others that Johnny will need surgery on his nose as it got kicked pretty hard. At least he's alive as everyone that cares about Johnny was relieved that he'll wake up after his surgery.

Two in a half hours later.............................................

Johnny comes out of his surgery just fine but he'll have to take it easy because of his nose will be too painful to eat certain foods. Johnny can only get soft foods, soups and drinks liquids and without straws because of the painful nerve pressure will hurt his new nose. Johnny next gets released by the hospital and goes him by Miguel. This time Robby decides to go back home with his dad to make amends by helping out cook soft foods for his dad Johnny. So Robby packed up his belongings from the LaRusso's house and got a ride from Miguel to their apartment place in Reseda.

"Thanks for bringing me back here, as I'll try my best to get along with you and my dad and I will also try to get used to the fact that you both are boyfriends" Robby said to Miguel and his dad Johnny.

"That would be nice" Miguel said to Robby.

"Yeah, I agree, that would be nice too my son" Johnny said to his son Robby.

Robby gets himself situated at a spare room with all of his belongings there.

Later on in the evening...............................

Robby helps with Miguel in the kitchen making dinner for Johnny. Miguel serves his boyfriend Johnny a Coors Banquet beer. Robby serves his dad his soup with a spoon and a napkin. Johnny enjoys his dinner by taking it easy after his nose surgery. Robby and Miguel ate their own dinner, a frozen pizza with a soda while Miguel enjoys his Chardonnay.

"Are you not supposed to drink alcohol?" Robby asked Miguel.

"I can, shoo.... I have a fake ID because Johnny let me get one when we started dating each other" Miguel revealed to Robby.

"Really?!" Robby shouted in shock to Miguel.

"How about you Robby? lighten up a bit and have some Chardonnay with me please" Miguel asked and begged to Robby.

"Uhm, dad, can I have a little please but not too much though, right?" Miguel asked his dad Johnny.

"Yes, sure my son you can have some Chardonnay because I hate wine, that Chardonnay tastes like a strong piece of shit to my palate anyways" Johnny said to his son Robby.

"Thanks dad your actually kind of cool after all" Robby thanked his dad.

"Your welcome so enjoy" Johnny last said to his son Robby.

Robby helps himself to a glass of Chardonnay for his first time. Robby has never tried alcohol yet because he used to be addicted to illegal drugs but not anymore. Robby takes his first sip of Chardonnay.

"I'm so sorry Miguel but my dad is right, oh my this tastes strong as shit" Robby said as he spit it back in the wine glass.

Robby hands his glass to Miguel to finish for him. Robby tries his first Coors beer instead as he liked it better. Robby sticks with his first beer and is fine with his first time's only one limit. Robby drinks a soda afterwards and helps Miguel wash the dishes in the kitchen. Then they both put Johnny's leftover soup back into the fridge for tomorrow's next meal. Johnny uses his cellphone to text Daniel about who attacked him.

(Johnny and Daniel's cellphone texting).............

Johnny: hey Daniel, I need to text you about something, you know about who attacked me?
Daniel: who?
Johnny: it was Elsewith from King Cobra Alfred dojo, King Alfred's cousin.
Daniel: wow! Really?! She did that to you?!
Johnny: yes she did and I don't know what came over me Daniel I just got worn out as the fight got too much for me to handle. The last thing I now remember is that I got kicked really hard in my face area where my nose is, after finally having dream flashbacks of it probably during my surgery before I woke up in the hospital bed with a painful new nose.
Daniel: I'm really sorry this had to happen to you. Your becoming a great friend now and I can't afford to lose you either. I care about you Johnny.
Johnny: thanks for caring Daniel and I appreciate you all for coming to the hospital for me really means a lot to me.
Daniel: I think I'm starting to know who this unusual looking girl is that attacked you as I stopped by after my daughter Samantha got attacked by John Kreese's lover King Alfred as I saw Elsewith there too.
Johnny: oh shit Daniel, you don't mean you will go over there again to try to confront Elsewith this time about her to stay away from me right? Daniel please don't I'm warning you she is a dangerous evil religious bitch.
Daniel: I have to Johnny because you know that I will do anything for you and that means I'll stick up for you in times such as this and I will teach that evil bitch a lesson.
Johnny: that sounds sweet Daniel in a brave way to stand up for me but please do be very careful and yes do strike back as hard as you can all at the same time ok my friend?
Daniel: I will and text again soon after that.
Johnny: great, so tell me how it goes afterwards bye now.
Daniel: goodbye.
( the next update will get action packed intense Daniel vs Elsewith on another night so thanks again for everyone's reads and votes)

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