King Cobra Alfred

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At the end of the week at the Cobra Kai dojo......................
On that Friday afternoon, the construction workers got done rebuilding Cobra Kai dojo as it looks good as new again after what Tory did and King Alfred wants to make some changes as his older lover John Kreese listens.

"Listen everyone who is all here with us! I'm going to make some changes here in Cobra Kai that will impact our lives. This place will be no longer called Cobra Kai karate dojo, this place shall be called King Cobra Alfred. Is because when we get new students here, they have to put money into that tithing box near our front door as they enter as that will be our new paying money rules for new comers. If they don't put money into our tithing box, I'd have to ask them to leave and don't bother to come. The same fighting rules apply, strike first, strike hard, no mercy. Such as fear, pain and defeat doesn't exist in this dojo" King Alfred said to his students.

"Well done my king lover boy so now you'll take over this dojo as I'll only stick around to watch your people train" John Kreese said to his lover King Alfred.

"Thank you my kind lover" King Alfred said to John Kreese.

Later at night in the early evening..........................

There is a pride fest for gays and lesbians as John Kreese, King Alfred, Elsewith and their students come along. Thank goodness nobody from the LaRusso's didn't go there because King Alfred and John Kreese plan on surprising their audience with a karate show that will be bad ass.

Their students chanted...........................

"King Cobra Alfred, King Cobra Alfred, King Cobra Alfred" repeatedly until they all went on stage.

The first part they broke boards left and right, same way with King Alfred as he breaks boards by elbowing them and Elsewith punches the board to her left side near her cousin King Alfred. While the song Back in the Game by Airbourne plays as they break boards with their hands, feet, elbows and heads. Next, King Alfred and Elsewith lightened up their torches as they broke bricks with their foot and without getting burnt as fear doesn't stop their bad ass dare devilish act on stage. Last, the Cobra Kai logo flashes rainbow colored. To finish, a Katy Perry song I Kissed a Girl plays as Elsewith and Aisha danced fight and ended with a quick peck kiss on the lips. While saving the best for last, a man version of I Kissed a Boy by Cobra Starships plays as King Alfred and John Kreese danced fought to it until they ended with a long smooch on the mouth. The only two gay people were there is Louise LaRusso Jr. and Anoush as they were amused by the fact that they celebrated pride fest with a rainbow colored Cobra Kai logo while dance fighting to those songs with a kiss.

The next day in the afternoon..............................

Two new students come in as they put money in their tithing box before they came in. It is Anoush and Louise.

"I saw your guys' demo at the pride fest and we assume that you accept gays and lesbians in your dojo" Louise asked King Alfred.

"Yes we do but the real word you meant by is homosexual and yes we accept you people here and thanks for leaving money in that box out there so welcome to both of you" King Alfred said to Anoush and Louise.

"Your welcome sensei king sir" Anoush and Louise both said to King Alfred.

"We have one change of plans, I think they are all ready to test their strength at the woods and even these new men will learn a lot about showing no mercy and these headbands will determine your lives" John Kreese said to King Alfred about his students.

"Sounds great my love" King Alfred said to John Kreese.

Before they get ready to leave, King Alfred pulls Anoush and Louise aside as he prays with them by holding hands. King Alfred does this so Anoush and Louise can fight perfect out there without any pain, fear nor defeat. After praying with them.................

"I want you both to earnestly win this test of strength on my team as I want for you both to fight against Elsewith, she is my cousin but of you both want to defeat her, the secret is two men in better than one, get it?" King Alfred said and asks of Anoush and Louise to do.

"Yes, sensei my king" Anoush and Louise both said to King Alfred.

"Now let's kick some ass then! Shall we!" King Alfred announced loudly to his students.

King Alfred's team is wearing black headbands wrapped around their heads as Elsewith and her team is wearing red wrapped around headbands around their heads.

At the woods........................................

Everyone is against each other in a fighting way. Until, Anoush and Louise both snook out of the bushes and fought Elsewith for a bit. During the fight.................

"I don't believe this but it's amazing on what a prayer can do to help" John Kreese whispered to his lover King Alfred.

John Kreese and King Alfred secretly spied on Anoush and Louise.

"It's definitely not Anoush 's nor Louise's doing, it's God's given miracle for them to fight" King Alfred said to John Kreese.

The fight lasted a long 15- 18 minutes until Elsewith gets slammed to the ground by both Anoush and Louise.

The two men stole Elsewith's red head wrap and claimed it after they surprisingly fought for their first real time thanks to King Alfred's prayer beforehand. John Kreese was happy to witness God's given miracle to Anoush and Louise. Elsewith is not happy even though she's fine and has zero injuries, she's just pissed off at the fact that they showed themselves up as arrogant pussies as she also thinks her cousin King Alfred wanted his own cousin to be defeated with disappointment.

After fighting in the woods, they all head back to the dojo to practice. Anoush and Louise left only because they are shooting for a part time karate class. Anoush and Louise goes to Dick Sporting Goods as they purchased their own kicking and punching bag as they put it in the back seat to take to work.

During work hours.................

Anoush and Louise secretly practiced using the plastic kicking and punching bag. Until, Daniel LaRusso comes in.

"Since when do you two know how to fight?" asked Daniel to his employees.

" since now because King Cobra Alfred taught us how fight" Louise said to Daniel.

"You both traitors now fighting for this King Cobra Alfred dojo and you both will be just like him and Kreese, I can't fuckin' believe you two!" Daniel last shouted at his employees especially his cousin Louise who betrayed him.

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