Daniel Confronts Elsewith

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Gunnhild goes to visit the man who she saved his life by carrying him to the hospital. As she knocks on his apartment door. Johnny opens the door to talk to the woman.

"What in the hell do you want? If your some odd looking solicitor please go away" Johnny first said to the very tall woman who is an inch taller than the door frame as Johnny is 3 in a half inches shorter than the historically dressed shield maiden.

"No need to get vulgar with me, mister, what you mean is 'what in the world?' not the 'h' word, plus, it's not polite to cuss at every single darn sentence, what's wrong with this new generation of swearing?" Gunnhild asked Johnny.

"I'm really sorry, I'm just used to saying things like this all the time so why are you here? I don't know you" Johnny asked Gunnhild.

"I came out of a time traveling machine to hear about the this new modernized famous skills of karate, taking place here right?" Gunnhild asked Johnny.

"You got that right" Johnny answered to Gunnhild.

"The other reason why I'm here is because one morning I saw your unconscious body lying around in the alley of the strip mall, it looked like you were attacked so I carried you to the hospital" Gunnhild revealed the truth to Johnny.

"Really? I'm so sorry I was a little vulgar to you and thank you for taking me to the hospital it was very kind of you and you sure don't look like your from here" Johnny asked and said to Gunnhild.

"I accept your apology sir, your welcome and I'm a shield maiden from ancient Scandinavia Kattegat Norway" Gunnhild explained to Johnny.

"What is your name?" Johnny asked the tall lady.

"My name is Gunnhild, what's yours?" Gunnhild asked Johnny.

"My name is Johnny Lawrence" Johnny answered to Gunnhild as they both introduced each other.

Miguel comes home from hanging out with friends while Robby is still out having sex with Hawk at the LaRusso's house.

"Who is this boy?" Gunnhild asked Johnny.

"This is my young boyfriend Miguel Diaz, Miguel this is the woman who found my unconscious body as she carried me to the hospital, her name is Gunnhild" Johnny introduces his boyfriend Miguel to Gunnhild.

"Interesting, um, hi" Miguel said to Gunnhild with a head nod.

Gunnhild greets Miguel by shaking his hand in a proper manner.

"Hello there young boy" Gunnhild said to Miguel.

Gunnhild sees that Miguel reminds her of someone, as she has a flashback of this young slave girl in Kattegat named Ingrid whom she caught him in the act of sex with her husband Bjorn Lothbrok Ironside. Even though Miguel looks nothing like the blonde haired, blue eyed and fair skinned girl, it's the young innocence in the face that kind of reminds Gunnhild of Ingrid. That's why she left, because Bjorn was never a faithful husband to her. Gunnhild is now single and hopes to find herself love someday.

"I got to get going so see you both around and nice meeting you both" Gunnhild said to Johnny and Miguel.

"See you around too" Johnny said to Gunnhild.

"Goodbye" Miguel last said to Gunnhild.

Gunnhild leaves their apartment place and sees someone getting out of her car.

"Hello there pretty lady, it's nice to see someone that's not a cheating unfaithful husband" Gunnhild said to a very short but beautiful Latina woman.

"Hello, I don't know you and I'm sorry to hear that you got cheated on, do you want to come in so we can talk?" Carmen asked Gunnhild.

"Yes that would be great miss" Gunnhild said properly to Carmen.

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