Johnny's Injuries

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( Ragga Ragnars as Gunnhild)

The next morning after Johnny's attack by the dojo queen Elsewith, Johnny remains on the ground unconscious still.

A shield maiden from Scandinavia's ancient Norse era in Kattegat of Norway, named Gunnhild. She's a very tall woman in her 30's, 6'3" and 165 pounds, kind of skinny but also very strong, beautiful but in a different way to where she has an intimidating look to her feminine appearance, long light brownish blonde hair halfway pinned up wearing earrings, modest clothing that not up to date looking, blue eyes and has a unique Scandinavian accent to her deep lady voice. Gunnhild just came out of the time machine because she's been hearing about a new legend that's been a new trend in combat, is karate. Gunnhild walks around Reseda California at the mini mart area. Gunnhild observes everywhere until she starts to notice a man's body lying in the ground of the alley. Gunnhild tries to figure out why he hasn't woken up yet or maybe she first assumes he's dead. Gunnhild moves the man's unconscious body towards her still out. Gunnhild heard for the strange man's heartbeat to feel if he's still alive or not. Then Gunnhild actually does hear the man's heartbeat as she finally thinks he's alive but is unconscious as she sees that he's injured and battered. Gunnhild uses her strength to carry this unconscious man on her right shoulder as Johnny's upper body dangles behind Gunnhild's back. Gunnhild carries Johnny to the hospital for help. The nurses and a doctor aide Johnny in a patient room to examine his injuries. While Gunnhild waits in the waiting room, a nurse had to ask the woman some questions.

"Where did you find this man?" a nurse asked Gunnhild.

"I found him in the ground of the alley of the mini mart strip mall area as I assumed he was dead until I checked his heartbeat, I heard his heartbeat and he's alive but beaten by someone and I don't know who it was, all I know was that he was lying on the ground so I did the right thing to carry him here" Gunnhild said to the nurse.

"Ah I see" the nurse said to the woman.

"May I ask what's your name?" the nurse asked the shield maiden.

"My name is Gunnhild" Gunnhild introduces to the nurse.

"What an interesting name for a lady, just unusual" the nurse said to Gunnhild.

"Thank you miss" Gunnhild said properly to the nurse.

Meanwhile at Johnny's apartment place.................................

Miguel wakes up as Johnny isn't by his side this morning because he's in the hospital injured by Elsewith. Miguel has no idea what happened to Johnny so he went over to his mom's apartment place near by.

"Mom I'm so glad to have come here because Johnny didn't wake up next to me which is really weird. My Johnny told me that he was running late errands but never came home to me" Miguel explained to his mom Carmen.

"Yeah that is really weird Miggy honey, you wouldn't think something happened to him last night or maybe, who knows with those awful new dojo fighters that you got kicked out of and I don't know what else to think or say?" Carmen explained and asked her son Miguel.

"I kind of have a bad feeling already after you mentioned it" Miguel said to his mom while looking all worried for his older boyfriend Johnny's safety.

Miguel takes his mom and grandma to the hospital to find out if something happened to Johnny Lawrence. The nurse was able to take Miguel to the unconscious man still lying in his patient bed.

"Is this him, the Johnny Lawrence you speak of?" the nurse asked Miguel.

"Yes it is and oh my gosh damn!" Miguel shouted as he covers his mouth in fear to see that his boyfriend got battered and by who?

"I have to notify someone else who knows him right away and I'll be right back" Miguel said to the nurse.

"Yes that's fine go ahead" the nurse last said to Miguel.

Miguel races out as he drives to the LaRusso's to tell them the bad news about Johnny. The LaRusso's drove as they followed Miguel to the hospital to see Johnny for a brief while until he goes into surgery soon.

"Oh shit! my poor Johnny I really hope things will go well with his surgery" Daniel shouted and said to the nurse.

"The surgery will be successful I promise" the nurse said to Daniel and the others.

Daniel has a fun flashback between him and Johnny dancing together at the Mexican restaurant but now Daniel looks sad and hurt to see Johnny in this much critical condition. Even Robby for once felt sad to see his dad Johnny injured by someone as it's obviously a King Cobra Alfred dojo student or anyone from that dojo, they'll find out soon eventually on who attacked Johnny Lawrence.
( This is the last cliffhanger for this part as for tomorrow night, I'll be writing and updating on how Johnny will cope with his injury as I'm glad to have made Johnny alive in my Cobra Kai series so far. Thanks again lovelies and fellow Cobra Kai fan readers and voters I appreciate it.)

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