The Cobra Kai Bombing

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At Johnny and Miguel's apartment..........................

"You wanna know some juicy gossip at school?" Miguel asked his boyfriend Johnny.

"Like what?" asked Johnny to his boyfriend Miguel.

"My new friend King Alfred told me earlier at lunch that he's having sex with John Kreese" Miguel gossiped to Johnny.

"Oh really?" Johnny asked to Miguel.

Johnny has a triggered look on his face because John Kreese is his evil thorn who nearly killed him back in 1984's second place trophy competition. Also because why would someone like King Alfred trust John Kreese. Johnny wants to find out somehow hopefully when things start to unravel. But for a now Miguel is healed and all that matters to Johnny is that he and Miguel can spend lots of alone time having sex with each other. So Johnny takes his mind off of John Kreese for a moment and leads Miguel to his bedroom to have sex.

Meanwhile at Carmen's apartment...............................

Carmen decides its time to visit her son Miguel and his older boyfriend Johnny for awhile. Carmen walks over as she just helps herself inside their place as their front door is unlocked. Carmen hears noises and moaning sounds coming from Johnny's bedroom as they didn't shut their bedroom door all the way either by not knowing if Carmen is here. Miguel's mom is really here as she quietly giggled and grins. Carmen couldn't resist her temptation of curiosity so she spies first through the slit through their bedroom door. Carmen sees her naked son Miguel riding Johnny's face. Carmen decides to quietly walk inside their bedroom to watch. Miguel can't see her because his naked ass is towards his mom as Miguel continues riding Johnny's face. Then Johnny starts to see Carmen from the corner of his eye as he's sucking Miguel's dick.

Johnny grins with Carmen as he figures that she's a cool mom likes to watch. It took a few long minutes until Miguel stops and screams at his mom in embarrassment.

"What the hell mom! I didn't expect to see you here like this oh shit!" Miguel shouted at his mom.

"Haha, Miggy it's fine oh this is just way too funny to finally see you like this and I bet your this great with your sensei every night" Carmen laughs and said to her son Miguel.

"Can you give us a moment mom? Johnny and I are going to get dressed" Miguel said with flushed cheeks.

"Oh yes Carmen, your son is great with me every night and I love him for it always and forever" Johnny admitted to Miguel's mom.

Then Carmen lets Miguel and Johnny get dressed.

In the living room.....................

"You definitely don't need the sex talk Miguel because you a great with your sensei and boyfriend Johnny" Carmen said to her son Miguel.

"Mom this is getting really awkward now for us" Miguel said to his mom.

"This shouldn't be awkward come on I'm your mom and it's ok to be honest with me about sex" Carmen said to her son Miguel.

"Sex does come naturally to me and I guess that's why I'm good at it" Miguel openly said to his mom.

"What do you think about sex with my son Johnny?" Carmen asked Johnny.

"I think sex is a normal thing between all people don't matter about age or gender as long as you love someone you connect with" Johnny explained to Carmen.

"That's good to hear from both of you" Carmen said with a head nod to her son Miguel and his boyfriend Johnny.

Meanwhile at the hospital........................................

The LaRusso's picked up Robby from the hospital and checked him out at the front desk. Tory gets herself checked out too.

"Wait, Samantha, I want your cellphone number so we can text each other, it's not that we are going to be best friends quite yet but I think it would be nice to start over" Tory said to Samantha.

"Ok sure sounds great" Samantha said to Tory.

Samantha and Tory exchanged cell numbers so they can text anything as long as it's starting over.

"I'll text you later Samantha ok" Tory said to Samantha.

"Ok" Samantha last said to Tory.

At the LaRusso's house.........................................

Hawk and Samantha are excited that Robby is healed from his surgery but he's got pain killers he's got to take for a few days after undergoing a serious neck surgery. Sadly Robby has to take it easy as he secretly knows he can't have sex with Hawk yet until he feels 100 percent better. The best and only thing Robby can do is relax and watch tv. Hawk and Samantha help brings food and drinks to Robby while he's in the living room relaxing as doctor's orders.

Meanwhile at Johnny's place.......................

"Oh shit, I ran out of my Coors Banquet beer, Miguel I'll be back I'm going to head over to the mini mart to buy more beer for myself see you soon" Johnny said to his boyfriend Miguel.

"See you babe" Miguel last said to his boyfriend Johnny.

Johnny drives his Cobra Kai car to the mini mart. Then Johnny parks his car in front of the mini mart parking lot and walks inside the little store to buy his Coors until he sees John Kreese laughing and kissing King Alfred...................

"Oh shit" Johnny murmured.

"You got to be fuckin' kidding me mister John Kreese! and you mister whoever you are that you prayed over Miguel and miraculously healed him, you don't know what your dealing with until you meet the real Kreese yourself one of these days because this man ruined my life and nearly killed me after I lost first place on that 1984 trophy and how in a hell do you trust this man" Johnny confronts King Alfred.

"I'm dealing with things pretty good with my lover John Kreese so far and I don't know about your shitty nonsense saying ass things about my man" King Alfred said to Johnny.

"You don't know Kreese we'll enough like I do and don't let him manipulate you or you will act just like him" Johnny confronted to King Alfred again.

"I'm not being manipulated never because I love Kreese very much and as for Miguel, God gave me a favor saving his life and for His will for me to train your lover to become a better fighter once again" King Alfred said to Johnny.

"Yeah I bet your sure of that and good luck to you then" Johnny last said to King Alfred.

Johnny buys his beer and leaves out the door as he last gives John Kreese an evil stare nodding his head no to him. John Kreese evilly grins at Johnny too with his fist positioned upwards in his arm pose.

After that Johnny drives back home with his beer and makes more love to Miguel.

Way later in the middle of the night.....................
Samantha received a text from Tory.

Cellphone texting.......
Tory: you want revenge from Cobra Kai?
Samantha: yes.
Tory: then sneak out with me.

Samantha and Tory met up at the Cobra Kai dojo but hid in the bushes from a distance. Tory has a small bomb ball in her hand.

"I think vandalism is extremely risky because we'd get caught for sure so instead I got this bomb ball I'll throw far, watch Samantha" Tory explained to Samantha.

"Cool" Samantha said to Tory.

Tory throws the bomb ball as far as she could until the Cobra Kai dojo exploded. Samantha and Tory snook off back to their own homes again and go to sleep.
( a slight cliffhanger as John Kreese, King Alfred and Elsewith are crashing at a hotel when this happened as not mentioned on here but for tomorrow night more drama and action is on about whoever from Cobra Kai figures out who bombed their karate dojo.)

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