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(n) finding something good without looking for it


He grew up not believing in love. His parents never gave him a shining example of it. To him, love was a business arrangement between two people full of obligation and forced fondness. He believed that every being in the universe was here for a short time, and every moment had to count. He teased his friends for years as they fell in and out of love, saying how foolish they all were.

That is, until he fell himself.

He fell quickly.

She was his everything. She was safe when home wasn't. Her green eyes always held a spark of mischief.

Someone asked him once what love was.

"Love," he said, "is carrying her around the castle on my back. It is the way she bites her lip when she's thinking. It's her tangle of blonde hair blowing lazily in the breeze as she skips stones on the lake. It is in the way she steals my leather jacket and gives it back each time she claims that it no longer smells like me. It is how her hand is always covered in ink and paper cuts. It is the instinct I have to protect her at all costs."

"That," said Sirius Black, "is love."

Sirius wasn't an overly sentimental man. He didn't believe in soulmates or fate. But war makes one do crazy things, and he had always been reckless.

And in spite of his world crashing down around him, he fell in love.


She grew up watching Disney movies. Each time, there was a single, sparkling moment where eyes met and words were whispered in passing, whimsical plans to meet again. As she grew up, her child-like view of romance slowly faded into a memory. Not because she didn't believe in it, but because she found something better and she finally understood what the movies had been missing.

Love isn't a kiss in front of a golden fountain while fireworks explode and music plays.

It's the one you care for most crying uncontrollably in your arms, and your heart breaking along with them.

Someone asked her once what love is.

"Love," she said, "is that daring expression on his face when he draws me close. It is the look of jealousy in his eyes when I talk to other boys. It is that infectious laugh of his. It's when he lets me play with his hair even when we're not alone. It is how he cares for his friends and his brother even when things go south. It's in the way he naturally steps in front of me to protect me above himself."

"That," said Eva Taylor, "is love."

Eva was a self-admitted hopeless romantic. She never would have imagined falling for one of her best friends, but was so grateful that she did.

And through the dark nights where both of them whispered hidden insecurities and dreams, she fell in love.



-the believer-

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