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"the fire in her eyes reminded others not to play with her"


Professor Dumbledore planned to spend the evening of November 3rd reading a new book he'd bought and eating lemon drops, his favorite Muggle delicacy. After settling comfortably into his chair, he summoned the book, the sweets, and a blanket he'd knitted two years ago he began to sink into the book.

After seven chapters, a loud rap on the door startled the old man out of his reverie. He snapped the book shut and vanished the blanket before unlocking the door with magic. Professor McGonagall was the first to enter, her emerald dressing gown indicating that she'd been called out of bed to take care of a problem. Four students followed closely behind her stern gaze, four soaking wet students who looked worse for the wear.

Severus Snape stood as tall as he could, but it seemed that he was limping and could stand up completely straight. A few scratches cut through his thin, sallow face.

Bellatrix Black had matching black eyes and an ugly expression on her face. She sneered at the headmaster momentarily before her sharp gaze returned to the girl next to her.

Eva Taylor's lip had been split and half of her ponytail had fallen out. Contempt practically dripped from her green eyes, contempt especially for Bellatrix.

James Potter wore cracked glasses and seemed the least injured out of the group, but a bruise grazed his left cheekbone.

All four students glared at each other menacingly. Professor McGonagall placed four wands on the desk before addressing Professor Dumbledore.

"Headmaster, I hate to disturb you at this late hour-"

"Not a problem at all, Minerva. I was merely reading. Would you care to explain what is going on?"

"Yes." She stood in front of them and grimaced. "A Hufflepuff prefect banged on my door tonight as I was getting ready for bed. She told me a major fight had broken out on the Quidditch pitch. I naturally hastened to see what was going on. When I got there, I found the four of them not only engaged in magical combat, but also mixed up in Muggle fist dueling. It took magic to separate them, and no one will tell me how the fight began."

Dumbledore examined the four students over his half-moon spectacles. "Thank you very much, Minerva. I would appreciate it if you would escort Miss Black and Mr. Snape to your office to question them. If you have any problems, feel free to report them to Professor Slughorn for detentions. I will take care of these two and send them back to their dormitories promptly."

"Yes, Albus. Good night." She beckoned the Slytherins back down the spiral stairs and to her office.

Once they had left, Dumbledore summoned two comfortable-looking purple chairs in front of his desk. Gesturing to them, he said, "Have a seat."

Eva couldn't tell whether he was angry. His voice remained level, as did his expression. She sat stiffly while James lounged in the chair. "Professor, can I start by saying something?" He asked.

"Certainly, Mr. Potter."

"I don't regret it." He cockily jerked an eyebrow, daring anyone to respond to his comment.

Dumbledore nodded, a twinkle in his old blue eyes. "All right. I will withhold my judgment on that statement until I receive the full explanation. I must say, Miss Taylor, I'm surprised to see you mixed up in a brawl like this."

The blonde blushed deeply, scarlet creeping up her pale cheeks. She pulled her hands into the arms of a too-large leather jacket and forced herself to stay calm. "If I'm being honest, sir, I'm the one who started it."

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