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"if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours"


Eva and her mother walked home from the church Christmas Eve, snow falling lightly around them. They couldn't afford a car, but neither of the women minded. The cold chilled Eva to the bone, but her spirits were bright enough to keep her warm.

"I thought we could finish our baking and watch some Christmas movies until midnight," Mrs. Taylor said with a smile. "Does that sound good to you?"

Eva's mother always worried that her daughter wouldn't want to continue their family traditions after spending so much time in the wizarding world. She worried constantly when Eva left for the start of the school year and wondered how out of place she felt when she returned home. She didn't understand the sport she loved so much or why wizards just didn't use electricity, but she valued her daughter's happiness over everything else. Eva was her favorite person in the entire world and she would do anything for the girl, even if it meant letting her join a world suited more to her.

"That sounds great, Mum," Eva said, her cheeks pink from the cold.

Mrs. Taylor looked over at her as they turned a corner. "Are you all right, dear?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You've been awfully quiet this past week," she noted. "Especially around Christmas, that's not like you. I wondered if something had happened-"

"No. No, I'm fine."

If she had any doubts before, Eva's mumbled response convinced her. "I don't think you are."

Eva sighed. Her fingers strayed to her left wrist, searching for the bracelet, but it was gone, stomped to smithereens on Platform 9 & 3/4. Sirius has given that to her for Christmas their third year. Her green eyes momentarily filled with tears before she blinked them away. "Just some drama. It's not important."

"It's your life. Of course it's important." Mrs. Taylor smiled sadly at Eva. "You can tell me."

My first kiss in over a year was with the wrong boy. I fell for my best friend and he left me alone. Then he lied to me. Remus is always getting sick. I'm scared of the war.

Eva didn't tell her mother any of these problems. Instead, she asked a question.

"How did you know when you loved Dad?"

Amelia Taylor looked fondly at her daughter, a perfect blend of her parents. Eva had her mother's long blonde curls and fair skin, but her bright green eyes and infectious smile came from her father. The mention of Jonathan used to send her into depression, but years had passed. She never moved on, but she accepted. It was difficult for her sometimes, mostly because of how much Eva reminded her of Jonathan. Her spirit and creativity paired with bravery came straight from her father.

"I don't think there was an exact moment," Mrs. Taylor said, a faint smile gracing her tired face. "It was a million little ones. When you love someone, it's the little things that matter."

Eva caught herself thinking of the little things she liked about Sirius. The way his entire face lit up when he grinned, really grinned, not just a fake smile. How he grabbed her hand without thinking when they ran from Filch. All the times they stayed up late in the common room talking about absolutely anything. How he'd steal scrunchies from the girls and claim that he wore them better anyway. The protectiveness he displayed for everyone in their group of friends, especially her and Remus. His obsession over Muggle bands and motorcycles. The way he could comfort her when no one else could, not even Marlene or Lily.

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