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"life is too short to be anything but happy"

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"life is too short to be anything but happy"


"I wish you'd just admit it when you're wrong," Marlene lamented.

Eva continuously stirred her tea, a stubborn expression on her face. "I told you, I like it this way."

Marlene just shook her head as Lily slid into the seat next to her. "Hey, is Sirius a good kisser?"

"Yes," Marlene and Eva both answered. Eva shot her a glare and took a big gulp of her tea, apparently forgetting the conversation that happened prior to the redhead's arrival. Red coated her cheeks as she coughed wildly, Lily slapping her back and Marlene rolling in her seat.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked, alarmed.

Marlene couldn't control her laughter. "She accidentally put salt in instead of sugar and wouldn't admit that she made a mistake!"

Satisfied that her friend didn't seem to be in mortal danger, Lily pulled out a book and began to read over a mug of coffee.

"Did you just kill my girlfriend?" Sirius asked neutrally as he sat down, kissing Eva on the top of her head. She blushed even deeper and ducked her head, secretly pleased. "I might have to hex you, Marls."

"Might?" Eva sputtered, looking at him indignantly. "So I'm dead and you might hex her?"

Sirius grinned and stole a roll from her plate. "Cheer up, Blondie, there are worse things than death."

"Steal anything else from my plate and you'll be dead," she threatened, pointing her fork at him with a dangerous look in her green eyes.

"You two really are gag-worthy," James said. He pretended to throw up behind Marlene. "I know we were all rooting for you and all, but this is gross."

To prove his point, he sat right in between them. Instead of complaining, the two just squished him until he gave up and moved next to Marlene instead.

The news that Quidditch extraordinaire Eva Taylor kissed heartbreaker Sirius Black in Hogsmeade on Valentine's Day completely swept over the school within the first few weeks of it happening. Aided by Peeves the Poltergeist, who wouldn't stop following the couple around the first week to taunt them, they quickly became the topic of gossip through all the Houses. For once, Sirius didn't mind. He loved being talked about for something that made him happy, not for being a disgrace to his family or being associated with them at all.

Eva caught a few jealous glares from the girls of the school every time she walked around with Sirius, but she didn't care. That wasn't her problem. She was happy with him. Besides, while they weren't as popular a ship as James and Lily, Sirius and Eva still had quite a few supporters, and she found it hilarious. And to her delight, the group's dynamic barely changed with the new couple, although their finances did. Remus ended up winning his bet with Lily and Marlene won against Peter. After sobering up, James apologized but still claimed that he was the reason they finally got together. No one corrected him. Technically, he was right.

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