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"we're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time"

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"we're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time"


A spring breeze tousled Eva's stray curls as she wandered around the grounds of Hogwarts. She bent down to pick a few wildflowers and stuck them into her braid, laughing at herself as she did so. Over the years, she never grew out of her fascination with nature, her awe of the majesty of the earth. More than once she considered just spending the first year after graduation just roaming the world and experiencing life to the fullest.

Her friends were expecting her, but they could wait. Sometimes, she just loved walking by herself. Thank God exams are over. She felt like she could breathe again. Their sixth year kept inching closer to an end with summer only a few weeks off. Looking around, she realized that Hogwarts indeed was her favorite place in the entire world. Each corner of the place held a memory for her. Even though she, like all of her classmates, eagerly anticipated the coming holiday, part of her didn't want to leave. It always hurt to be separated from her friends or the school she loved.

At least she knew she'd see a few of them. At one point, the girls might be taking a trip to America. Her mother wanted to meet Sirius, and he'd probably come to stay for the ABBA concert in July, anyway. The thought made her want to jump up and down with excitement. The summer held so much possibility.

Another matter pressed at Eva's mind as she walked on. Mrs. Taylor knew nothing about the Order of the Phoenix, let alone her daughter's pledged involvement in the illegal society, and Eva planned to keep it that way. Even though she knew it was necessary, she couldn't help feeling guilty about it. They didn't have secrets, but this one would keep her mother safe, and Eva was willing to do anything for that.

She spotted a few of her friends lounging under their usual tree and raised her hand to wave. Marlene, Peter, Kriss, James, and Remus all appeared to be involved in a very intense game of poker. Lily kept her eyes on a book, tuning out their playful trash-talk, and Sirius had his head buried in the Daily Prophet.

"You're late," Remus informed Eva, never taking his gaze off of his cards.

Eva flicked his head. "I'm late for hanging out under a tree?"

"You're messing with my concentration, Eve," he quipped. Remus' posture slackened: for once, he seemed relaxed and at ease. She knew the full moon was only a few days away, but he didn't look as tired as usual. Or if he was, he was doing an extremely good job hiding it.

The blonde sat down on the grass next to Sirius and leaned to whisper in Remus' ear. "Happiness looks good on you."

He smiled a bit. "Thanks," he muttered back.

Eva turned then to Sirius. "Whatcha looking at?" He looked up from the newspaper and pointed an ad out to her.

"Look at this. It's a loft apartment in Diagon Alley."

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