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"if two people can't stay away from each other, maybe they aren't meant to be apart"

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"if two people can't stay away from each other, maybe they aren't meant to be apart"


From his spot perched on the windowsill, knees tucked into his chest, unlit cigarette dangling from his lips, Sirius had a clear view of everything and everyone in the common room. The fire flickered merrily, casting light and warmth on the young Gryffindor students. Some played Exploding Snap while others joked around, and still others worked on assignments. As usual, though, he only had eyes for one.

Eva sat a bit away from the buzz of the room on one of the more isolated armchairs. Her hand flew across the pages of the notebook, writing with one of those Muggle featherless quills again. He always forgot what they were called, but she claimed they were superior to quills. Personally, Sirius thought Eva used them to show off her blood status, to prove that she was proud of where she came from. She had a streak of pride a mile long.

A blonde curl fell into her face and she tucked it behind her ear hurriedly, still occupied by whatever it was she was writing. She had no idea how much those little motions affected Sirius, made him want her more. Those tics and normalcies always caused him to fall deeper.

Twisting his wand between his fingers, Sirius' thoughts drifted to his meeting the other day with Professor McGonagall.

"So, did Dumbledore recruit me for my impeccable charisma or my dashing good looks?"

She sent him a disapproving look. "Are you interested or not, Mr. Black?"

"So stern," he mused, flashing her a cheeky smile. "Anything for you, Minnie darling. Count me in."

And just like that, Sirius joined an illegal organization to help save the world.

He didn't know who else Dumbledore had recruited. Professor McGonagall gave him strict instructions not to tell anyone, and for once, he listened to her. It didn't stop him from wondering, though. Some of his peers were bound to be a part of the Order. He just didn't know who.

He wanted to believe that all of his friends would join the war against Voldemort, but the world was so uncertain. He had no way to be sure unless he asked, and McGonagall had made it clear that discretion was key.

"You look lost in thought." Eva leaned casually against the wall, a smile spreading across her lips. "Can I join you?" Sirius nodded and moved his legs to make room on the windowsill. He also returned the cigarette to the pack, knowing that she didn't like them due to her father's cancer. "So what's on your mind, Black?"

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