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-definitely James to Lily at one point

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-definitely James to Lily at one point


For the seventh years, the first day of school was spent in conferences with the Heads of Houses for career prospects. A large mass of Gryffindors stood in line outside of Professor McGonagall's office, waiting to find out if they'd been offered positions anywhere. Most young wizards and witches aimed to have jobs secured for themselves before they left Hogwarts. This wasn't something Eva was particularly looking forward to because she expected no offers whatsoever due to her blood status. She kept her arms folded to her chest and her gaze to the ground. Sirius looked incredibly disgruntled at the mere idea of waking up early for anything and leaned against the wall, a tired yet haughty expression on his handsome face. Lily tried engaging Remus and James, but both of their minds were clearly somewhere else. Out of pure boredom, Marlene and Peter began to play rock-paper-scissors.

Out of their group, James went in first, a bright smile on his face. McGonagall smiled slightly when she saw the boy wearing his new badge, a suggestion she'd made to Dumbledore on a whim. She thought that perhaps he'd grown up enough that summer to earn it.

"Top of the morning to ya, Professor," He said through a yawn as he sat down, rumpling his hair out of habit. "Lovely weather we're having."

"Good morning, Potter. How was your holiday?"

James hesitated. "Eventful."

"So I heard," she said, a frown on her face. The news of Eva's torture and her mother's death was a shock at the least, but she took comfort in the idea that she was safe with the Potters. Euphemia and Fleamont were caring to a fault, and as for James, the professor had never met someone so dedicated to his friends. "So I heard." She cleared her throat before continuing. "As you know, we are here to discuss your career prospects-"

"I got an offer from Puddlemere United, didn't I?"

His interruption took her aback for a moment, but McGonagall nodded, a proud feeling swelling up in her chest. He deserved this.

"I'm not taking it."

It wasn't the first time James Potter had rendered Minerva McGonagall speechless, but this one really stumped her.

"Have a biscuit, Potter."

James did a double-take. "I- what?"

"Have a biscuit." She held out a tin of cookies that always sat on the corner of her desk and made him take one. "Potter," she said quietly, "we've been working carefully on your Quidditch prospects since your third year. The chance may never come again. I urge you to reconsider your decision."

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