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"if you loved me, why'd you leave me?"

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"if you loved me, why'd you leave me?"


Remus closed his books after three hours of reading at the library. Soon it would close anyway, and while he could probably get away with being out after curfew as a prefect, he didn't want to push his luck. N.E.W.T. exams had finally arrived, and with only a week left, the pressure was on. Other students caught the same frenzy as him, but they all dealt with it in different ways. James and Lily often worked together, but Remus suspected most of their study sessions turned into kissing sessions. Peter, Eva, and Marlene formed another group, and Sirius just decided to wing it. Lily called him crazy, but Remus knew he'd pull it off.

Sirius always pulled everything off.

Yawning, he shoved his books into his bag, feeling a bit lightheaded as he did so. The combined efforts of the approaching full moon and exam stress were enough to deprive him of the little sleep he usually managed to get. Either way, it would all be over soon, and he didn't want to miss anything. Time flew fast enough as it was. 

As he passed the Astronomy books section on the way out, he heard sniffling from behind the shelf, and he froze when he realized who it was. The only day he ever saw her cry was the day he let her go, a sound he'd never forget. 

Remus hesitated. Everything in him said to run away from her, but that's what he did last time. His being a coward destroyed both of them. No one deserved to suffer alone. 

"Kriss?" He whispered, stepping out from behind the bookshelf.

She glanced up, her beautiful blue eyes rimmed in red. Books surrounded her, all open and marked in various places. As soon as she saw him, Kriss grabbed a crumpled piece of parchment and shoved it hastily into her pocket before he could read its contents. Her hair. She cut most of it off, and her chestnut locks now rested on her shoulders. Pretty.

 She ran a nervous hand through her hair and tried to wipe away a sticky mess of tears and mascara from her cheeks in vain. Even when they were together, when they'd take walks and whisper secrets and read by the lake, he never saw her cry until the last day. Now, when he should have cared less than ever, he wanted to dry her tears and kiss her until she forgot it all, but he eliminated that option months ago. He resolved never to mess with her emotions again. 


"Are you, um, okay?"

"No." She began to close her books in a hurry, accidentally slicing her hand open a few times on the rough edges of pages. She winced at the discomfort and muttered, "damn," under her breath. Her use of a swear word brought the smallest smirk to his face.

Remus bent down to help her, careful to not meet her eyes. Each time he did, the urge to do something incredibly stupid intensified.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly.

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