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"when i'm feeling alone, you remind me of home"

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"when i'm feeling alone, you remind me of home"


Lily smoothed out a few wrinkles on the dark green dress she chose for Christmas Eve dinner and contemplated her reflection. Her hair seemed a tad frizzy, so she pulled her wand out and used a spell the girls had recently discovered in Witch Weekly so that her red locks fell sleekly past her shoulders.

"Can you not do your hair like a normal person? You've got to rely on your freak stick instead?"

Lily turned around, trying and failing to control the fire in her voice. "Can you not do your hair at all?"

Petunia's dark eyes flashed at this. She glared at her younger sister, but Lily could tell she wanted to check her black curls in the mirror again. In the corner of their shared bedroom, Lily's barn owl, Lennie, hooted loudly.

"Wish you'd keep that animal of yours quiet," Petunia grumbled, pushing her sister over to get a better look in the mirror. Personally, Lily thought she had too much blush on for someone with a complexion that made paper look tan, but pointing that out would be a dangerous game to play. "In my opinion, it shouldn't be allowed inside of the house."

"I'll let him out tonight," Lily said shortly. "He'll be on delivery duty for Christmas presents."

Petunia pursed her lips as her gaze swept over her younger sister. "That dress... it's a little too-"

"Petunia!" Mrs. Evans called from the bottom of the stairs. "Vernon's here!"

Petunia let out a very un-Petunia-like squeal and ran past Lily before saying what exactly was so terrible about her outfit. In some ways, it was a small mercy.

Alone at last, Lily moved in front of the mirror again and ran her hand down the dress, frowning. A little too what? She had the strong urge to switch outfits into something plainer, but why? At the prefect Christmas party, James told her she looked really pretty in it when they were dancing. Merlin, that made her smile.

No. She'd wear the dress.

By the time she arrived downstairs, Petunia was too busy kissing her fiancé obnoxiously in the foyer to criticize or even notice her, which Lily didn't mind in the slightest. She walked into the kitchen and found her mother busy with plates of food.

"Hullo, Lily. You look beautiful, darling," she said warmly, kissing her daughter on the forehead as she hurried by with a tray of desserts. "I like your dress. It fits you nicely."

"Thanks. Can I help, Mum?" Lily picked up a bowl of noodles and brought it over to the elegantly set table.

Mrs. Evans smiled at her youngest and shook her head. "Young lady, you should be in the other room with your sister and father, getting to know her fiancé. They are getting married this summer whether you like it or not."

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