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"change is inevitable but growth is optional"

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"change is inevitable but growth is optional"


The last month of summer flew by faster than any of them could have imagined, and soon enough Eva and James found themselves running at top speed through King's Cross Station on September 1, 1977. While Eva lamented the end of the last real summer vacation of her life, she also couldn't hide her enthusiasm to be going back to Hogwarts. There would be classes and friends and Quidditch, all perfect distractions.

Ever since her trip with Sirius to the beach, she resolved to stay strong, to keep her head held high no matter the storm. If it was one thing she knew, it was that her mother wouldn't have wanted her to live in depression. She'd want her to soldier on, so soldier on she would.

Hogwarts letters arrived at the Potter residence a week before. Somehow (Eva just suspected magic) hers was also sent there, and both her and James' letters held surprises. Professor McGonagall chose Eva as Gryffindor's Quidditch Captain. She was ecstatic, having been positive that the position would go to James, but James got his own title, one neither of them saw coming.

Head Boy.

When James ripped open the envelope and the badge fell out, he and Eva spent a good ten minutes discussing whether Dumbledore meant to put it in someone else's before coming to the conclusion that the headmaster probably triple-checked everything and that just wasn't likely. How it happened, neither of them knew, but they didn't care. Without ever being a prefect and with too many detentions to count, James Potter managed to become Head Boy of Hogwarts. Both of them resolved not to mail any of their friends about either appointment, choosing to share the news in person. Personally, Eva couldn't wait to see Lily's face.

"Blondie, move it!"

"You have longer legs than I do!"

"I'm only two inches taller than you!"

"Two inches makes all the difference!"

"You are so full of it!"

The two of them ran straight through the wall between Platforms 9 and 10 and breathed a sigh of relief to see that the train hadn't left yet. There sat the Hogwarts Express, scarlet and shining and haloed in smoke. Eva's heart swelled at the sight of it, although the feeling was bittersweet.

This was the last time.

There would be so many 'last times' this year, she realized. The last Christmas break. The last first Quidditch match. The last Quidditch match. The last Hogsmeade trip. The last exam. The last feast. The last day.

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