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"home is just another word for you"

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"home is just another word for you"


When James concentrated, his forehead scrunched up. If a messy black lock fell into his narrowed hazel eyes, he wouldn't bother brushing it away, focused too deeply to care. He tended to play with his tie absentmindedly, loosening and tightening it again.

Not that Lily noticed any of that, of course. And if she did notice it, it was only due to the fact that she was simply that observant with everyone.

Of course that was it.

"I think I'm doing something wrong," he muttered, staring at a torn leaf sitting on the coffee table with an irritated gaze. "It's not working."

"You've just got to keep trying. Healing spells are tricky."

"Are you sure this spell works on plants?"

"Yes," Lily said patiently. "That's how Professor Slughorn taught me. I've been working on a special course about healing with him all year. It's good to learn healing spells on plants. Then you aren't accidentally hurting an actual person if something goes wrong."

"There's got to be something wrong with that leaf, then."

The redhead laughed and scooted closer to him on the couch. Placing her hand on top of his to guide his wand motions, she raised her eyebrows in a teasing manner, challenging him to try again. James groaned like a little kid but obliged, mumbling the spell under his breath. The leaf knitted itself back together and his face broke into a smile.

"That was good!" Lily praised, a smile on her own face. "See, you're not bad at this. You just need to focus."

"Thanks, Evans."

Remus walked past the pair, straightening his tie with one hand and holding a cup of tea with the other. "You guys coming? We've got a prefect meeting in ten minutes." Then he smirked, noticing how close the two sat and how Lily's hand still covered James'.

"In a minute, Moony," James said disinterestedly. "Look, I fixed a leaf!"

He held it up in triumph and Remus grinned. "Nicely done. Is that Francis?"

James stared at Lily, a terrified expression on his face. "This better not be Francis. I want to live a long life, Evans!"

"Merlin, of course it's not Francis. I'm the smart one around here." Lily tilted her head to the side. "What are you smiling like an idiot about, Remus?"

"Nothing," Remus replied, still grinning broadly. "Hey Prongs, are we still on for tonight?"

"Yeah. Yeah, of course we are. Ten thirty, right?"

"As always. Well, I'm off. Don't be late to your own meeting, kids." Remus waved and left the common room with a smug expression. Lily turned to James, a frown pursed on her lips.

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