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"the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"

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"the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"


Valentine's Day of 1977 was nothing short of historical for the Marauders.

One of them almost lit the Astronomy Tower on fire.

One of them drank a little too much.

One of them lost a bet.

And one of them ended up almost smacking another one.

Sirius woke up around eight in the morning only because James was screeching breakup songs in the shower. A Valentine's Day tradition. He rolled over, intending to get a few extra moments of rest, when he noticed that Remus' bed was empty.

"Pete, where's Moony?" He asked, yawning loudly. Peter shrugged as he rummaged through his trunk for warm clothes, humming Elton John under his breath.

"He was gone before any of us woke up," he answered. "I don't know where he went, but I don't reckon he's coming with us to Hogsmeade."

Sirius' eyes narrowed. "I'll check the map. He's going to work himself to death in the library." He dug under James' bed to find the box that usually housed the Marauders Map, but no parchment was in sight. "He nicked it again! The bloody sneak. Homework's not a top-secret thing."

"Like he's actually doing homework," Peter scoffed. "Remus is smart, but he's not a nerd. We'll have to ask him about it later. We can't find him without it."

"All right, but if he says 'I was at Hagrid's' one more time, I'm marching down to wherever he actually is and dragging him back by the ear."

After all three of them had finally gotten dressed (which took way longer than it should have), the boys tromped through the snow-covered path to Hogsmeade under the cloak, hitting unsuspecting travelers with snowballs to freak them out. Peter kept calling themselves the Lonely Hearts Club every time a couple ran past, and each illustration of PDA warranted snowballs in the face from invisible sources.

Finally, they arrived and began to walk down the bustling streets of Hogsmeade. James pocketed the cloak. "Where to, mates?" Sirius asked with a smile, clapping James on the back. "I want to stop at Zonko's sometime today, but we can do it later."

James pushed his glasses further up his nose with his knuckle. "The Three Broomsticks. If I share enough of my heartbroken woes with Rosmerta, she might take a few galleons off of our drinks."

"In that case, don't be afraid to lay it on thick," Peter advised as he thought of how much money he'd brought, but his expression changed as he spotted something the others didn't. "Oi. Redhead, two o'clock."

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