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𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢

 THE ENTIRETY OF DISTRICT FOUR WAS BUSY preparing themselves for Reaping day

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 THE ENTIRETY OF DISTRICT FOUR WAS BUSY preparing themselves for Reaping day. The kids would be dressing up, the teenagers' minds would be racing, and the adults would be filled with anxiety at the fact that their child could be reaped. The truth was, nobody ever knew the odds; this fact alone was enough to keep everyone awake at night.

Avalon Cox sat in her room, pinning a few pieces of hair away from her face, trying to distract herself from the upcoming hours. Her name was in the reaping 11 times this year, giving her a higher chance of being chosen to fight in the Games. Chills were sent down her spine at the thought, and she shook her head in attempt to clear her mind, but it didn't help.

When she finished pinning up her hair, she stood up from the chair and made her way into the living room, where her sister and parents awaited her. Quinn sat in between her parents, trembling in fear. Avalon's heart broke at the sight, and she made her way over to the girl, putting a comforting hand in her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay, Q. I swear it," Avalon told the young girl, who only nodded in response, the fear not leaving her eyes. Avalon sighed and stood back up, looking at her parents. "She's not going to be reaped," she explained to them. "Her name's only in there one time. One."

This didn't seem to calm anyone's nerves at all, so Avalon just sat down in a chair next to her family, taking in any last moments she could with them. Who knows, she thought. They could be my last.

Suddenly, her mother stood up, looking down at the floor and mumbling that it was time to leave. Her father followed suit, helping Quinn up from the couch. The family took one last look at each other before heading out the door.

The streets of District Four were flooded with terrified people all making their way to the Reaping. The Cox family just made their way into the crowd, following them all the way. As soon as they arrived, Avalon and Quinn hugged their parents goodbye before making their way over to a table.


"Avalon Cox," the girl replied, holding out her finger to be pricked for a blood sample. The lady took the blood, wiped her finger on a page, and sent Avalon on her way. She sent Quinn a comforting look before making her way over to the crowd of girls waiting for the Reaping to begin.

The fear didn't really settle in until she stood in place, waiting for it to begin. This could be the last time I see my family, ever, Avalon began to think, and her hands started trembling with fear. She wiped them off on her pink dress, but nothing would stop the overwhelming anxiety she was feeling. 

Soon enough, all the children had made their way to the Reaping, and our District Representative made her way onto the stage. "Welcome, District Four, to the Reaping for the 66th Hunger Games! As always, ladies first," she said, making her way over to the bowl on her left, sticking her hand in and drawing out a paper.

"This year's female tribute is..." She carefully unfolded the paper, reading off the name. "Quinn Cox."

The world seemed to stop. Avalon looked all around for a sign of Quinn, who was now visibly shaking with fear, eyes straight ahead of her. She began to walk forward, but before she could reach the stage, Avalon screamed out, "I volunteer as tribute!" 

The crowd quickly turned towards the voice. All eyes were on Avalon, who darted her eyes around, looking for her parents.

"Well, come on up, dearie. Don't be shy." Avalon made her way up to the stage slowly, walking up the steps as she examined the crowd, looking for her parents. "What's your name?"

Avalon hesitated. "Avalon Cox." She started straight forward, playing with her fingers to stop them from shaking.

"Avalon Cox, this year's female tribute. Now, for the boys," she said, making her way over to the bowl on the right. She reached in once again and grabbed a piece of paper. "Oliver Stirling." 

The boy froze in his place, looking up towards the large screen then back at the stage, making his way forward. He climbed the steps, looking all around. 

"This year's District Four tributes, ladies and gentleman!" 


The door quickly opened and Quinn rushed in, engulfing Avalon in a tight embrace. Avalon reared her chin atop of Quinn's head, a tear running down her cheek.

"Avalon, I would have been fine, you didn't have to do that," Quinn cried, looking up at the older girl with a pained look that struck Avalon's heart.

"You were scared out of your mind, Quinn. I wasn't going to just let you go into the games," Avalon explained, pulling the young girl back in. Once they separated, she was immediately embraced by her parents, who were both crying their own tears.

Avalon took a step back to take it all in. She tried to memorize every little detail of her family's faces before they had to leave. She didn't want to forget that Quinn had a freckle just underneath her left eye, or that her father's age caused him to have a distinct wrinkle in his forehead, or that her mother's eyes were the brightest blue there was. She just couldn't.

"I'm sorry," Avalon apologized. "I'm so sorry," she said, hugging her family once more. The family embraced for what felt like a mere three minutes before a peacekeeper was bathing in the room, ordering the family to leave. They all held onto Avalon as long as they could before letting go and leaving the room. 

As soon as they left, Avalon broke into pieces. She fell to her knees and wept until her eyes couldn't produce any more tears.

She had seen the victors from the years prior. They all had been strong, trained to fight, and had good survival skills. Avalon wasn't like them at all. She knew she wouldn't come out of this alive. 

She knew she'd never see District four again.

𝑭𝑶𝑶𝑳 (𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now