Chapter 4.

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Finishing his coffee he groaned looking at the inclement weather through the kitchen window. The thought of having to leave the house to go to work in such weather, had set his mood low. The doorbell rang followed by persistent knocks. Goku ran and answered the door, he felt strong gale pushing the door open soon as he started to open it. Bulma rushed inside tidying her hair.

Goku raised a brow at her, as he pushed the door shut. He wasn't expecting a visit, not that he was aware of at least. "Hey, you've just missed her she's not long -"

"That's fine, I'm actually not planing to stay for long, I just wanted a quick word with you," she put her hand on her hip looking back at Goku.

"What about?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you saw Vegeta?" she quirked a brow seeing his jaw drop and eyes widen.

He held up his palms, his face near drained from shock that she knew about him seeing her brother. "Shit, I wanted to but um..." he began chewing on his lip whilst furrowing his brows.

"You know I wouldn't judge you?"

"I know, you know what she's like ..."

"Yeah, then again I wouldn't exactly want to openly admit that my fiancé is filmed having sex with other women." She gave a half shrug.

He blinked as he screwed up his face seeing the serious expression on her face. "Wow, what?-oh god no, that's not what I do, I'm a-"

"Cameraman?" She cut in raising her brow in curiosity.

"No, They hired me as a security guard. I knew one of the crew members so that's how I got the job," he tittered whilst looking way from her, whilst his face reddened it wasn't something he'd openly admit to. Not just because of his fiancé being embarrassed about it, but because he'd expect the questions about certain things he wasn't comfortable on answering.

"Ohhh," her eyes gleamed and she started to giggle.

Scrunching his face up at her reaction, he then frowned crossing his arms. "What's funny?"

"I can just imagine what the pair of your facial reaction must of been like when you bumped into each other on the set. Oh, that's tickled me," she slowly composed herself wiping away a stray tear, a small puff of air escaped past her lips as she looked back at Goku.

"Thanks," he pursed his lips. He didn't find this situation funny at all, he dreaded going into work in case he'd see Vegeta there. So far he had been there during each of his shifts, it was if life was against him, or so he felt that way.

"He has a second job, I bumped into him in the local gas station. He didn't look too well though, looks like he's lost some weight too," her eyes casted to the ground. As much as he wound her up, she didn't want this kind of lifestyle for him. Her mother always said he'd amount to nothing, and it worried her that her mother maybe right.

"Karmas a bitch," he shrugged.

She took in a deep breath looking back at her friend who showed no interest what so ever. The one grudge he's never shifted against her brother, she wasn't the least bit surprised by his reaction. "Goku-" she was about to say something but was abruptly cut off.

"I'm sorry, I'm struggling to feel bad for someone who was a prick to me in school."

"as much as that is true, he's still my step brother," she frowned.

"Who didn't keep in touch with you?" he snorted, and looked at Bulma's doleful expression before he let out a sigh. "Sorry."

"I know, but he's still family to me."

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