Chapter 5.

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7 years ago:

Following his friends towards the male changing room, they had been following one of the new school boy around, seeing him as an easy target. The teen didn't speak much and seemed very much a loner. So when they caught him heading towards the changing room, that's where they saw their opportunity. Vegeta was reluctant to follow, seeing the fear set on the persons face when they crowded him during break. Usually he wouldn't care, it was one way he kept safe sticking with the group of friends. It was hard enough trying to come to terms with his feelings that he was too afraid to express, let alone his private life he had to deal with. He did feel envious of those who seemed to have a better life than him, of course he didn't admit to that. As they approached the changing room, Vegeta felt a hard lump form in his throat, he pulled at one of his friends arm.

"Maybe we should just leave it?" Vegeta suggested as he tried to swallow down the hard lump, guilt was already creeping into his system. A nervous bead of sweat formed above his brow, he knew his friends didn't approve when ever questioned about such harsh attacks.

"You gone soft or somethin'?" his friend knitted his brows at him,whilst crossing his arms against his chest.

"Tch, no I just-"

"Just what?" his friend cut in as he inched forward glaring at Vegeta.

"What's going on?" Tiarnan glared at the two as they were stood outside the changing room. The others were ready for the signal to go in.

"Vegeta here is having second thoughts," Lewis  jerked his thumb towards Vegeta with a bitter laugh.

Tiarnan took in a sharp breath and lunged forward pinning Vegeta against the wall, his face inches away from Vegeta's. "Look if you don't want to join in, then you can stand here on look out," he let go of Vegeta stepping back, and raised a brow as Vegeta looked down the corridor tightlipped. "Well?!"

Vegeta let out a sigh, he rolled his eyes and folded his arms leaning his side against the wall. He knew if he refused it would be him getting beaten up. "Fine."

"Come on then, just give us a call if you see anyone headin' this way," Tiarnan signalled the rest of the group to follow him into the changing room.

Vegeta rested his head against the wall, staring blankly down the empty corridor; whilst he could hear cries for help ringing through his ears. He done his best to blank it, as he heard the person coughing and gasping for air whilst repetitive thuds heard hitting against the body. He chewed on his lip, his face blanched hearing the piercing screams of agony as his friends continued to attack them. He watched as his friends started to run out laughing.

"I think you broke his nose," Lewis chuckled looking at Tiarnan as the rest of the gang ran on ahead.

"You coming?" Tiarnan looked over his shoulder at Vegeta who remained leaning against the wall.

"I'll catch up, I need to use the bathroom," he faked a smile and started to rush to the bathroom that was just opposite from him. His body trembled as he felt waves of nausea, he leaned against the sink quickly splashing cold water against his face. Glancing at his reflection, his eyes swam with tears, his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. He felt so guilty, and afraid at the same time. Afraid to tell on his friends, and guilt for not doing anything else to stop the attack. He was already having battles with himself, as he felt afraid of his sexuality, seeing how his friends treated others it struck fear on him. Quickly wiping his tears, to slowly try to compose himself, he caught Goku glancing over at him from the mirrors reflection. He screwed up his face glaring at Goku through the reflection. "Like what you see or something?!"

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