Chapter 28

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A.N- another chapter written by both myself and the wonderful ChronicleKing13 once again.... he's done amazing. ❤️


Goku sat on the couch next to his brother, with Trunks happily seated between them colouring in. He smiled at his nephew then glimpsed back at the direction of the hallway. He couldn't help feel some worries about Vegeta. It was unbearable thinking of Vegeta being upset, and the fact he wasn't in the same room as him ensuring he was okay was chewing away at him. As tempting as it was for him to excuse himself just to check up on his boyfriend, he knew Vegeta needed that time alone to reconnect with his brother. Subconsciously he glimpsed back towards the corridor a handful of times , whilst his brother was speaking to Trunks their voices came stifled as he was more concentrated on listening out for Vegeta.

"So how long have you and Vegeta been together?"

Goku froze as the question had pulled him out of his distraction. He trailed his eyes back to his brother who was staring at him awaiting a response. "How did you know?" his voice trembled a slight as panic was building up inside. Mainly due to the fact that Vegeta didn't look comfortable when he had suggested that they too had something to say. His thoughts coursed through his mind at an erratic pace, those thoughts immediately diminished when he heard and seen his brother click their fingers in front of his face.

"Hey, did you hear what I said?" Raditz lifted an eyebrow and let out a slight chuckle as it was apparent by Goku's expression that he hadn't. "I said it is kinda obvious I mean you guys are living together and you seem very protective of Vegeta."

"Yeah, could you not say anything for the time being?" Goku glanced down and smiled at Trunks who smiled up at him, pressing his finger against his lips.

Raditz chuckled at his son and ruffled his hair, "don't worry, we won't say anything," he exchanged a smile with Trunks before they both beamed back at Goku. "I understand why you both don't want to say anything at the moment. I know the sort of upbringing he and Tarble had," he rested his hand on his brother's shoulder giving him a consoling smile.

Goku grinned back, he forced back some tears that were threatening to emerge and cause him to crumble. He didn't want to reveal that it had been hard so far, he adored Vegeta and didn't want it to seem that he had any regrets on their relationship. He wanted to remain strong for Vegeta, even if it meant he fought back his own struggles and emotions. "So um... you and Tarble then?"

Raditz pressed his lips together as he studied his brothers pensive look, he could tell his brother was purposely avoiding the topic, but chose to not interrogate, "I saved him from those scum bags at school, from there I picked him up and dropped him off. Whenever he wanted small break away from home life I spent time with him."

"So when did the relationship actually start?" Goku asked while he subconsciously accepted and held on to crayons for Trunks who giggled at him as he placed more crayons in his hand.

"I guess it started when he came into my work to do some shadowing," Raditz smiled to himself recalling that day.


It was another tedious day at the office for him just to sit in front of a desk and calculating numbers and making signatures. His mind was elsewhere as he sat there, mainly he was pondering about Tarble and what he was doing. It has been a long while since that day he helped Tarble from those assholes and drove him home and then had that breakdown that lead to them falling asleep in each other arms. Raditz blushed as he recalled that and about the offer he made and then Tarble kissed him on the cheek, his face just grew redder if that was possible as he recalled all this. It had been a while, and he had been picking up and dropping Tarble off from home to school and school to home while making sure those jerks left him alone; he didn't know why he felt so protective over him but damnit just thinking about Tarble just made him feel happy and protective of him. But now just thinking about Tarble and how cute he is, 'Wait cute?' Raditz thought he then banged his head on his desk. He's turning into a lovesick guy over Tarble.

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