Chapter 41

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Vegeta could feel his heart beat pounding hard, it felt as though his heart was about to break out of his chest as he remained there with his mouth ajar and eyes welling up. Goku had quite literally left him in shock. All different emotions mingled and saturated his entire body, leaving him frozen. It was like he had forgotten to move entirely as he tried to find all the words he wanted to say.

Remembering to breathe, he took slow deep breaths while trying to register all that had just happened and looked at the ribbon tied around his finger. His stomach fluttered and his heartbeat slowed down, never had it crossed his mind that he'd be proposed to and it felt nice. That feeling of being wanted by someone who has continued to show love and devotion even during his difficult times.

"Vegeta?" Goku's voice rang through his ears and pulled him out of his inner thoughts.

"I-I..." he sputtered while holding back some tears.

Goku knitted his brows together with a look of concern engraved on his face, "What's wrong?" he asked in a softened tone, and smoothed his palms along Vegeta's arms in a way to comfort him.

"Yes," was all that Vegeta could muster as tears started to cascade down his cheeks.


"Yes!" Vegeta choked and placed his hands on the sides of Goku's face pulling him closer towards him, "Yes I'll marry you," he gave Goku a quick peck on the lips and brushed his thumbs along Goku's smooth cheeks as he looked passionately into the midnight eyes that glimmered in the moonlight, he could feel his heart surge as he almost lost himself in his lovers tender gaze. "I love you," he whispered into a kiss and more tears started to pour out as Goku returned the kiss with more fervor.

Slowly their lips were parted as Goku whispered, "I love you too," before returning to their fiery kiss in the place they had first met with the stars twinkling brightly above them.

At that moment it felt as though the earth was at a standstill and they held onto each other extra close while extending their kiss.


Vegeta wasn't sure how long they had both stayed out there for nor recall all the endearments that were whispered to him between sensual kisses. One thing he was certain of was how content he felt in his life and sharing it with someone he loved was an extra bonus.

Many positives were transpiring that were a little overwhelming to him, from finally getting a house together to being proposed to. Vegeta couldn't help but have a niggling feeling in the back of his head that something was bound to go wrong. He wasn't used to all good things happening to him, and he still felt guilt. Did he really deserve all this?

His heart constricted and stomach lurched as they were parked outside Goku's parent's house, he didn't want to show Goku his anxieties and ruin this perfect moment between them. They both climbed out of the car and strolled towards the house with their fingers intertwined.

Goku smiled softly at Vegeta as they approached the front door. "Ready?" He asked and watched as Vegeta gave him a quick nod in response before he rang the doorbell.

Vegeta drew in a deep breath and squeezed Goku's hand when the door swung open and Gine smiled widely at the two, she cast her eyes down on Vegeta's left hand seeing the ribbon on it and her eyes welled up as she then pulled the two in for a hug that started to calm his nerves and felt the welcoming atmosphere around them.

She pulled back from the hug, wiping away the stray tears on her sleeve before gesturing the two to walk in. Vegeta felt his heart faltering as everything was silent inside, and as they made their way towards the lounge, there was a deafening cheer from family members, mostly from Goku's side. Among the modest congregation was Tarble and Bulma which induced Vegeta to tears, he had all he needed around him and it all felt unreal.

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