Chapter 31

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It had been a regular day for the couple. They didn't have work, so had spent the day in their apartment enjoying the other's company. What Goku admired the most about their relationship, was the fact the two could sit in silence and still feel connected, knowing the other loved their company. Goku couldn't cease grinning, his whole face beamed reminiscing the kiss from last night, it was still so fresh in his mind. That kiss meant a lot to him. It was a sign that Vegeta was pushing himself more, and a sign of just how much he meant to him. It's not invariably the words, but the actions that speaks volumes on just how much love and devotion someone has. Goku appreciated that Vegeta wasn't always one to show affections; but when he did, he cherished them.

Goku hummed to himself as he brought out two small glasses from the cupboard and poured fresh orange juice in them. His eyes faltered at the small pill bottle that was on the kitchen counter, he reached his arm out and grabbed it then twisted the lid off . Gingerly he tapped the bottle till one of the pill slipped onto the palm of his hand. He could hear Vegeta approach the kitchen whilst speaking to someone on the phone who Goku could only speculate was their boss from a previous job, he was aware Vegeta was getting regular texts and voicemail from them.

"Look, I will think about it okay?!" Vegeta sneered on the phone whilst he pinched the bridge of his nose. He glimpsed at Goku and almost dropped the phone in shock as Goku held a glass of orange juice, and in his other hand held out Vegeta's medication for him. Vegeta hadn't paid attention to what was being said in the other end of the phone, the corner of his lips curved into a smile, "I'll call you back when I've made my decision," he replied to the caller before ending the call.

"Was that uh-"

"Yeah," Vegeta confirmed and took the pill from Goku.

"What were they wanting?" He asked whilst handing Vegeta the glass of orange juice. He noticed Vegeta's vacant expression and could tell he was holding himself back from giving a witty response. "Well, I kinda guess they wanting you back, but what is it they are so eager to have you for?"

There was a brief silence between them as Vegeta swallowed his pill and drank his orange juice. Goku sipped his own, he maintained his glance on Vegeta he tell by his expressions that whatever they had asked him to do had bothered him.

"What do you think?" Vegeta murmured and placed the empty glass on the counter, he wiped his hand along his mouth and glanced back at Goku. "They've offered to pay a large sum of money if I agree to do gay sex for some porn film they will be shooting."

Goku pursed his lips as he observed the indecisiveness etched on Vegeta's face, "and I take it you can't make your mind up if you want to do it or not?"

Vegeta leaned against the counter with his arms folded, he stared off into the distance and sighed, "we could get a decent house or something-"


"Hell, maybe get a new car,"


"Maybe a vacation somewhere, you fancy a vacation? I know I do, or maybe-"

"Vegeta stop!" Goku cut in as he approached Vegeta and rested his hands on Vegeta's shoulders. Their eyes connected, and the two fell silent for a second before Goku continued. "Take money out of the equation is it something you honestly feel comfortable to do?"

Vegeta pressed his lips together and deterred his eyes away from Goku's glance. "Would you stay with me... if I-" Vegeta rolled his eyes skyward in an attempt to push back the tears that formed in his eyes. "If I did it... would you think less of me?"

"What?" Goku knitted his brows together and moved his hands to cup the sides of Vegeta's face, dark glistening orbs connected with his that made his heart flutter. "I would never think any less of you, I love you and just want the best for you. I will support you on whatever decision you make."

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