Chapter 11

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Vegeta felt his skin tingle where Goku had touched him last night, he observed the way the couple were together. Stood in the kitchen watching Chichi wrap her arms around Goku whilst giving him tender kisses. His heart erratically beating against his chest whenever Goku caught his glances. He didn't want to be between a relationship, he had been through that before. Nonetheless, he was craving more and felt envious watching Chichi place her hands all over the man he first fell for. His eyes green with envy as Goku kissed her back. This was a sign he had to get his own place soon as possible, because he felt part of him slowly dying inside knowing he couldn't have that relationship. Too afraid of commitment, and afraid to be open with his feelings, this was something he'd never have.

"So, any luck finding your own place yet?" Chichi pulled back from Goku's embrace, and looked directly at Vegeta who had been subconsciously staring at the two.

"Not yet,"he darted his eyes away from her, on realising he had been staring at the two for some time.

Chichi clicked her tongue crossing her arms, she furrowed her brows at him in annoyance. "Have you even been looking?!"

"I will be," he looked back at her with a subtle glare, he couldn't understand what Goku seen in her. She always created an atmosphere whenever she was around, and he could tell she was clearly having an affair herself.

"Just don't get too comfortable staying here, I have a wedding to plan and don't need a freeloader around."

Vegeta rolled his eyes crossing his arms against his chest. "Sure thing," he sighed looking away as she started to hug Goku again.

"Anyway, I will see you later honey," she smiled at Goku,and kissed his cheek before pulling away from their embrace.

"You will be home early this time?" Goku raised his brows at her, she had promised him a handful of times she'd be home early; and hardly ever was she.

"I promise, I love you babe," she kissed him on the lips. She grabbed her bag from the kitchen counter whilst giving Vegeta a side eyed glare. With another kiss good bye on her fiancés cheek, she quickly left closing the front door loudly behind her.

Vegeta pressed his lips together watching Goku sort out the dishes. He scanned his eyes over Goku, his heart convulsing remembering last night and how amazing it felt. Feeling that toned muscular body between his legs, he could feel his body tingle some more just at the thought of it. The way he was in bed, made him question if he had slept with another man before. He cleared his throat soon as Goku turned to face him. "So, last night," he quirked his brow at him whilst wiping his sweaty palms along his jeans.

"Yeah..." his cheeks started to change a light shade of red, as he gave him a half smile and looked around the room rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm not the first man you've slept with," he arched his brow at him, the corner of his mouth quirked too as Goku stood gaping at him.

"W-what makes you think that?!" He gulped avoiding Vegeta's eye contact.

"Oh, it's just a feeling I've got," his smirk widened as he tucked a hand in his jean pocket. He watched as Goku started to get flustered around the kitchen, looking for a distraction to avoid his glance.

"Anyway, I'm going to work shortly I'll leave you the spare house key in case you want to go out for a bit," he chuckled a little staring at the keys hanging up and slowly trailing his eyes over at Vegeta.

Vegeta raised his brows at the sudden topic changed, he was curious but same time he didn't want to leave Goku feeling more uncomfortable. "Thanks, I'll be having lunch with my sister," he smiled a little before checking his phone. He had been messaging her recently, seeing how worried she had been he decided to put whatever differences they had regarding her mother aside.

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