Chapter 19

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7 years ago:

Leaned against the door frame, Vegeta watched his step mother pour herself a glass of wine. This would of been her third bottle of wine already, she hadn't bothered cooking for any of them. Instead Vegeta had took initiative and had ordered in pizza for everyone. It annoyed him, his father ill in hospital and his step mother chose to sit there with a drink. instead of caring for him and his siblings. He awaited for his siblings to go to bed, and chose to head towards the lounge area. Where his step mother had barely moved from since they got home from school.

"I know you are standing there Vegeta, what do you want?" She inquired, at the same time stared blankly at her drink.

Vegeta moved away from the door frame and slowly approached her with a glare. It was her fault, all of it was her fault. He feared being open about his sexuality. After she had openly admitted her disgust on it. He resented her, for she tried to replace his deceased mother. Now his father ill in hospital, he couldn't help blame her for that too. Even though it wasn't anyone's fault, he just couldn't help but feel she was to blame for everything that went wrong. He stood by the arm of the chair she was sat on and folded his arms.

"If you are going to go on one of your stupid rants about me drinking again, you can leave!" She scoffed and tipped her glass towards her mouth.

"I wish it was you in hospital instead of my father!"

Calmly, she placed her drink down on the side table, and glanced over at Vegeta. "Why would you say that?"

"Because-" tears welled up in his eyes as he kept his glare on her, "he'd do a better job caring for us more than you've ever done. You just sit here and drink!"

"Has it not crossed your selfish mind that I am struggling too? Watching your father slowly dying, is heartbreaking. And all you've done is cause trouble in school, you horrible self centred little boy!"

"And you are a horrible bitch!"

A loud clap sound echoed the room as her hand connected with his cheek, and left a red mark across his face. She glowered at him and barred her teeth.

Vegeta placed his hand on the marking left from the slap, it was hot to touch and stung a little. In an instant reaction, he grabbed her drink from the side table and threw it at her. They both paused, and glared at one another, hatred boiled up inside them both. Rendered speechless from what had happened, they stormed off in opposite direction.


It had been a fortnight since Chichi had visited. whenever Goku mentioned about that day, Vegeta would change the topic. Not wanting to upset his boyfriend further, Goku chose to not bring it up again. They spent their afternoon cuddled in bed before their shift in work was due to start.

Vegeta locked his eyes into Goku's with a fiery gaze. He trailed his fingers down Goku's muscular body, and kept his gaze onto Goku. Both naked in bed, they enjoyed to explore each other's bodies. Muscles tensed under his finger tips, he bit his lip and pulled the bedding away from them. Warm, wet lips pressed against the taut skin and trailed down to the belly button. He glanced back up at Goku and done languid licks towards his crotch, savouring the salty taste. His cheek pressed against Goku's thigh as he inhaled the subtle musky scent, his soft finger tips teased around the head of Goku's cock. Unable to put into words just how much he adored this man, how his heart somersaulted whenever they kissed, the warmth that pooled his insides. Dark eyes that stared deeply into his, awakening his soul and invigorated his insides.

"Vegeta," Goku muttered under his breath, his fingers combed through Vegeta's hair as Vegeta started to suck his cock. His eyes threatened to close from the strong tingling feeling that instantly relaxed his body. Vegeta's eyes kept locked onto his, which aroused him further. His cock disappeared and reappeared around Vegeta's wet reddened lips, each time Vegeta sunk his mouth down he'd take an extra inch. Goku opened his legs wider, and subconsciously rocked his hips whilst he fisted his hands into the sheets. Vegeta rubbed his tongue along the shaft, he savoured the taste of the skin from the hard pulsing cock inside his mouth. Goku's back arched as the sucks became more firm along his shaft. He glanced down at Vegeta and let out a low moan just from the sight of his cock buried in the warm wet mouth.

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