Chapter 30

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It had been a week since the two babysat for Raditz and Tarble, since then, they had stayed in touch and even planned for the next visit. Vegeta promised he wouldn't mention to Bulma that he was in contact with Tarble. He respected that his brother still wasn't ready to face her, let alone talk to her. And he understood how his brother felt, wanting to push the past behind them, just locking the door and throwing away the key. It was just so much easier to do than tackling those raw emotions heads on. He had tried to persuade his brother to at least message Bulma as he explained that she no longer talks to her mother, but he could hear the uncertainty in his brothers voice that he chose not to push it for they only just started building their relationship again. There were some things he hadn't told Tarble, and he knew he would presumably have to tell him some day. One of them being who their stepmother had an affair with. Just the thought of made him feel apprehensive.

Now back at work, Goku was in the back room helping with the stock whilst Vegeta was left with Bulma serving a lively group of customers. He hated working on Saturdays, but couldn't complain he preferred this than the previous job.

Vegeta glimpsed at the couple who were groping one another by the bar, it left a heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He could barely hear himself think let alone understand what the customers were ordering thanks to the obnoxious music blaring in the background, he narrowed his eyes on their lips in attempt to lip-read, but it was a challenge in itself as he could tell they were slurring their words. If he had his way, he wouldn't serve those so heavily intoxicated, particularly the ones who couldn't even keep a steady balance against the bar. He had tried to avoid the couple who groped each other between the legs and tongue kiss in front of everyone. It always left him feeling irritable, even at his previous job he detested it, and he knew it was down to his insecurities. It was something he hated displayed in front of him. Perhaps it was envy he was feeling? He reflected to himself as he observed the male shove his tongue down the woman's throat that induced him to grimace. Reluctantly he served the couple as they ended up just pointing at the liquor on the shelf behind him, he fought himself from peering over at them as he grabbed a couple of glasses although he could just make out the two making out from the corner of his eye; it was difficult to even create a blind spot to it.

"I've got it," Bulma stepped in and snagged the glasses from him.

A short exhale of relief passed his lips. He smiled and nodded at her, so thankful she had stepped in when she did, for he wasn't certain how much more he could take watching intoxicated beings feast off each other's faces. It was then he recognized the melancholy imprinted on her face, she glowered over at the corner of the bar that Vegeta followed his eyes towards the same direction. Their manager had some random female against the wall and grinding against her as they made out. Vegeta furrowed his brows as he faltered his eyes backward to Bulma who looked back at him with a compelled smile before she glanced away to serve the couple. He could identify by her expressions it hurt her. His hand balled into a fist as he darted his attention back on the manager. A gentle pat on his arm snapped him from his current distraction, Bulma had caught him scowling at their manager and enunciated the words 'leave it'. It was difficult for him to remain impassive when he wanted to snap their managers neck, he knew Bulma had been sleeping with the manager, and she was infatuated as he had filled her with idle promises. Despite Bulma doing her best to pretend not to be hurt by this, her face expressed otherwise.


Vegeta wandered into the staff room for his fifteen-minute break. His ears still ringing from the raucous music, and vision rather disoriented from the flashing strobe lights. It was fairly quiet in the staff room even though the music was somewhat heard and it was like a vexing repetitive thud pulsing through the walls. Footsteps were heard behind him that led him to glance over his shoulder and bite his inside lip. His boss was behind him and beaming at him, which irritated him further. No matter how much he assured Bulma he wouldn't say anything, the complacent smirk on this guys face made it near enough impossible.

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