Chapter 34

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Following the assault outside the store yesterday, Vegeta had spent the day reflecting on his actions. One minute he seemed okay, then the next he would become reticent, as though he was lost deep in his thoughts all while he paced the length of their living room.

Goku knew to leave Vegeta whenever he was like this, concurrently he worried and didn't like to see him closed off, not while he was making progress. It was a concern that he may fall back to how he was before they got together, and it wasn't something he wanted to happen, not after seeing how much happier Vegeta had become. He ambled towards Vegeta and observed the way Vegeta's brows were furrowed as he was muttering some words under his breath.

"I know you are feeling guilty about yesterday," Goku spoke in a tranquil tone as he approached him.

Vegeta rubbed his lips together and spun to face Goku, their eyes connected, and he could see the look of worry inscribed on his lover's face. Their love is intangible that neither had to speak a word to know precisely how the other was feeling. Vegeta recognized this, and he realized he couldn't deny that what Goku said was correct — he was feeling guilty.

"Look, I just want you to relax while I make dinner okay?" Goku hummed and wrapped his arms around Vegeta. "Things will get better, I promise." He gave Vegeta a tender kiss before he drew away from their sweet embrace and cupped the side of Vegeta's face with his palm.

The two smiled at one another before they locked lips for a fiery kiss. Neither wanted to break apart from their kiss as they exhaled in bliss, feeling as though their breaths were being taken away in the passionate moment.

Vegeta separated from the kiss, his eyes drawn on the soft plump lips that had connected with his, and he let out a smile. "Want me to help with making dinner?" He asked and glanced back at Goku's beautiful dark orbs.

"No, I want to do this alone for you, I think you'll like it."  Goku winked at him, he could see the curious glint in Vegeta's eye that made him smile more before he started to walk out the living room and towards the kitchen.

It was the minor affirmations Goku made that Vegeta appreciated the most and making dinner for them both really meant a lot to him, for he knew that Goku would put a copious amount of effort into whatever he was doing for them.

While Vegeta sat in the living room, Goku prepared their meal. He smiled widely as he brought out the ingredients and hoped that what he was making would brighten Vegeta's day.

Occasionally Goku would check up on Vegeta between attending to their food, just as he finished setting up the table his phone rang and a quick glimpse on the caller ID made him knit his brows together. He hadn't actually spoken to Chichi in a while, so to see her name show up on his phone was a surprise to him. With curiosity, Goku answered the phone while he strolled back into the kitchen to serve the food.

"Hey," he responded with hesitance.

"How are you?" Chichi replied.

Goku sighed as he was struggling to keep the phone balanced between his shoulder and ear, "hang on I'm going to put you on speaker." he placed the phone down on the kitchen worktop and tapped the speakerphone then brought out the plates from the cupboard, "sorry I can't stay on the phone for long as I'm just serving dinner for me and Vegeta."


Vegeta strolled into the dining room and smiled seeing two lit candles placed on the center of the table, cutlery and napkins were already set neatly by where they would be sitting. His eyes directed towards the small pile of crumpled napkins near the end of the table, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle knowing Goku had probably tried to fold the napkins into a certain shape but gave up halfway through. He then noticed a small place card with his name scribbled on it and as he picked it up to read the small note written inside he could hear Goku speaking to someone in the kitchen. He frowned as the person he was talking to sounded familiar; he sauntered towards the kitchen and peeped through the slight gap of the door to listen in.

"I'm telling you Goku, he is not mentally stable, no adult would behave like that!" Chichi chided from the other end of the phone.

Goku rolled his eyes as he placed the dirty saucepans aside to wash later, "look you weren't there so you really can't make a comment on it." He groaned as he could hear her let out a heavy sigh, she had somehow seen a video of the attack.Of course she had only called him to stress her concern.

"I'm surprised he hasn't been arrested, you can't just go attacking people in public like that!.... he isn't good for you Goku, you had said it yourself ... he was horrible to you too. People never change!"

Vegeta felt his heart sink as he observed Goku's pensive look, she was probably right, his mind filled with racing thoughts believing she actually would convince Goku to leave him. He casted his eyes down on his bandaged hand as he felt a sharp pain from his knuckles down to his wrist which caused him to grit his teeth and hold it close to his chest while he listened in some more.

Chichi's voice reverberated in the kitchen as she pursued to tirade about the attack. Tension was growing, forming a heavy atmosphere that even unsettled Vegeta from outside the room. He studied Goku's posture and could see his patience was wearing thin.

"Shut up!" Goku snarled and scowled at the phone. He drew in a sharp breath as she went mute. Rarely had he lost his temper, but he couldn't bear listening any more negative remarks towards his boyfriend. Unaware Vegeta was stood by the door, he leaned onto the counter and sighed, "you are judging him based on what I had told you, and I was wrong- "

"It wasn't just you it was-"

"If you let me finish," he snapped and let out an exasperated sigh, "I did hate him mainly as he had hurt me, but I've learned that wasn't him, that's not who he is."

"Yes but —"

"I love him!" Goku interrupted, then continued as she went silent. "And I will dedicate the rest of my life to him ensuring he is happy, and that he is no longer afraid to be who he is because he deserves that. You have no idea of the struggles — he is a good person and I will not let you or anyone else state otherwise!"

The call ended and Vegeta heard Goku let out a heavy breath of frustration before he heard him proceed to serve the rest of the dinner. Hearty spiced aromas could be detected from the kitchen which piqued Vegeta's interest because it was a comforting smell just as he went to peep his head in further to glimpse the food he paused as a hard knock was heard from the front door. In panic, Vegeta rushed into the dinning room before Goku had discovered that he had been lurking by the doorway. He stood by the table and picked up the place card. Goku stumbled out of the kitchen to answer the persistent knocking, he glimpsed over to see Vegeta standing by the dining area.

"You okay?" Goku asked.

Vegeta nodded his head and smiled, "yeah I'm alright."

The corners of Goku's lips curved into a smile, "Good," his attention directed back towards the door knocking and he clicked his tongue before glancing back at Vegeta, "I'll answer it and tell them we are busy then I'll serve dinner." he smiled again at Vegeta then headed towards the front door.

Vegeta sat down on the chair with the place card still in his hand, he flipped it open and read the small note inside.

'I love you, and so proud of you, I will always support you no matter what.

Vegeta's heart convulsed and a tear started to form in his eye, he kept his glance on the note with a broadened smile. His state of bewilderment was disturbed by a light tapping on the table, and his eyes trailed up to meet Goku who had a nervous smile as Bulma stood behind him with a look of concern. An awkward silence quilted the room around them, neither broke eye contact from each other.

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