Chapter 23

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After the events that had unfolded with Vegeta's stepmother, where he had explained how the sickening relationship started, and who fathered the baby she was carrying. Vegeta took a few days off of work to stay at home and bring himself back together from the mess that had happened. Goku was there with him every step of the way being patient with him, giving love and affection he yearned for so long in his life.

Goku had got the day off work from Bulma, she wanted him to spend more time with Vegeta ensuring he was okay. Vegeta spent his days off work sat on the couch, watching tv as usual from what Goku saw. Goku would usually join him, allowing Vegeta to cuddle into him embracing the warmth and safety Goku provided, that he hadn't received from anyone else. Vegeta hadn't spoken much, not that Goku was going to push him to say anything. Knowing just his presence was enough for him.

Whilst Vegeta was curled up on the couch watching tv, Goku was in the kitchen washing the morning dishes. He done his best to keep himself busy around the apartment, as well as comforting Vegeta, not wanting him to see he too was struggling with Vegeta's anxieties. Occasionally, he'd peak his head through the doorway to check on Vegeta who hadn't moved from the position he was in. Goku let out a short sigh and continued washing the cups in the sink. His phone started to ring, causing him to stop what he was doing and dry his hands to check the caller ID. Seeing it was his father calling him, he pressed his lips together and quickly answered. No doubt it was about the meal they were suppose to have, that he had put off for Vegeta's sake.

"Hey dad," Goku answered in a lowered voice, as he slowly approached the living room to check on Vegeta.

"Is everything okay?" Bardock questioned, with slight concern in his voice.

Goku smiled as Vegeta glanced up at him with a half smile, "yeah, everything is okay," he assured.

"Right, so when do we have this family meal that you been planing then? - your mother and I have the evening off, and she was wondering if possible for us to visit tonight?"

"Um," Goku gulped glancing down at Vegeta who was now scrunching his brows at him. "Is it okay if I call you back?" He asked with a small titter.

"Okay, speak to you soon," Bardock ended the call, there was still some concern heard in his voice.

Goku knew he couldn't put his family off forever, at some point they are going to have some questions. He pressed his lips together and tucked his phone in his pocket. Rubbing his palms together, he slowly knelt in front of Vegeta with a nervous smile.

Vegeta knitted his brows together, his eyes narrowing on Goku's nervous smile. He pursed his lips as he slowly sat himself upright, "What is it?"

"My dad called, he's asked if they can come over tonight," Goku gulped seeing the look of worry etched on Vegeta's face. It was rather difficult to tell if Vegeta was either going to run off  and lock himself in the bathroom, or rant in protest to such idea.

Vegeta remained quiet pressing his lips together as he kept his focus on Goku's nervous expression. He was aware Goku had kept postponing the meal for him. It baffled him how Goku was willing to go through such troubles, and hadn't simply left him for being complicated.

"Look, if it gets too much I can kindly ask them to leave," Goku said in a soothing voice and rested a hand on Vegeta's lap.

There was a small pause of silence as the two looked at each other. Vegeta sighed, he pushed back his own feelings on the matter and placed his hand on top of Goku's, "okay, just- please don't men-"

"I know, I promise I won't tell them Vegeta, I know you're not ready," Goku leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Vegeta's, "If you get uncomfortable just tell me, or squeeze my hand or something- I'll then ask them to leave." He brushed his lips against Vegeta's, staring deeply into his eyes. Their kiss started off tentative, a sweet distraction from all worries. Soon their kiss became deeper and lustful as Goku leaned more forward, whilst their fingers entwined. Their eyes closed in harmony, enjoying the sweet passionate kiss. Slowly their lips parted, catching their breath, Goku smiled and rubbed his nose against Vegeta's before leaning back to pull his phone out his pocket.

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