Chapter 37

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Flashback- 8 years ago

Goku sighed knowing he was being watched by Vegeta and his group of friends.He had been meandering around the school yard waiting for the next lesson to start, if it wasn't him they'd have a go at it was someone else. Usually they'd target the ones they'd assume were weak.

"I swear they are watching us," Krillin said while glancing over at Vegeta who glared back at him.

Goku puffed out his cheeks and quickly looked over his shoulder at Vegeta before changing his focus on his friend, "stay here." He said before he started to walk towards the school building.

"You're not going to try to fight them again are you?" Krillin frowned as he reluctantly gazed back at Vegeta and the gang who slowly started to move towards the direction Goku was walking.

"Look, I'll meet the rest of you in class okay, I'm just needing to use the restroom is all," he smiled back at his friend who gave him an inquisitive look then shrugged and nodded at him.

As Krillin rushed back to join the small group of their friends, Goku kept glancing towards the gang ensuring they were following him into the bathroom. He knew Vegeta would volunteer to go in and attack him, he'd then call for backup whenever Goku had him pinned down.

When he finally reached the bathroom Goku rolled his eyes as he heard footsteps walking in from behind him, he didn't need to look over to know who it was especially when he heard the small mirthless chuckle.

"What is your problem with me Vegeta?" Goku slowly turned to face him and crossed his arms, "you've been watching me all day, it's almost as if — you have a crush on me."

Vegeta pulled a look of disgust as he eyed Goku up and down, "you'd like that wouldn't you?" He shook his head and sauntered towards Goku so that they stood toe to toe. "Bet you have sick fantasies about me too," he scoffed and shoved Goku against the wall.

Goku shook his head and let out a chuckle, "always make such assumptions about me, I'm flattered but I'm not interested," he said as he shoved Vegeta back.

The two glared at each other and Vegeta lunged forward, gripping Goku by the throat, he gasped as Goku gripped him by the hair. Neither of the two were willing to let go as they threw in some punches and lost their balance causing them to fall to the ground, Vegeta gripped onto Goku's shirt and raised his fist about to lay in more punches till they heard a cough and glanced over to see the gang giving them both a questionable glance.

Vegeta looked down to see he was straddling Goku on the floor, he moved his slow glaze to his friends. A couple were snickering behind Lewis, though Lewis gave Vegeta a disgusted look.

"You turnin' into one of them fags?" Lewis asked while folding his arms.

Vegeta could feel the heat spread across his cheeks and quickly lept off Goku, "as if!" He scoffed and kicked Goku in the ribs. The gang all laughed and cheered him on, just as Vegeta was about to kick him again he felt a hard grasp around his ankle pulling him to the floor.

Goku managed to roll on top of Vegeta and managed to punch him in the jaw the second time he tried to punch Vegeta managed to catch his fist and the two wrestled on the ground glaring at each other, fury burning in each other's eyes.

Both continued to wrestle and hit one another neither willing to give in and admit defeat until they found themselves being pulled apart by teachers and the headmaster who then proceeded to drag the two out and into the main office where they were sat to await their punishment for fighting.

Both sat in silence giving side glares to one another not speaking a word to declare their hate for one another, as they waited bitterly.


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