im an omega

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I Izuku Midoriya am an omega, and I have no quirk, so they call me Deku because I am useless. Well, that was what I would have said a couple of years ago but I am not useless. I am helping people without endangering my life. That's what they say at least and by they I mean my boss's.

I am not a hero but I am the one helping the hero. Well how do you help a hero you may be asking, well there is a very simple answer... you calm them.

Ok ok it might not seem like much but it dose something to help and I will do what I can to help those who save people with their quirks so I'll do what I can do without a quirk.

I was in the office of the company I work for (enter name of business) it is a small one but it has a lot of soul. Anyway when I had herd a loud scream before I was tackled to the floor. I knew who was the one doing the tackling Ochaco Uraraka my best friend.

"DEKU~!!!" she screamed in my ear, she had started  rubbing her nose in my sent glands "I MISSED YOUR SWEET SENT" again she screamed into my ear.

If you did not know my sent was like baked cake and cinnamon and let me tell you it Is intoxicating (and if you did not get the joke of me calling Deku a cinnamon roll idk).

I laughed at her excitement of seeing me or is it smelling me?? "Ohh is that all you missed about me" I had puffed out my cheeks like I was a child and made a pouty face. She laughs at this and kissed the top of my head.

Uraraka was so sweet even with what had happened to her. She had quite being a hero when she had seen the woman she loved get killed by a villain (sorry tsu).

She still used her quirk but not for hero stuff. Uraraka was also an omega and so was our friend Kiri he had also been working for the company. He was like Uraraka he was the one that would help the hero's over the night and no I do not mean sex he would help the one's with nightmares and other stuff.

Uraraka spoke "ohh yeah Deku you have another job" I looked at her and smiled and nodded. She got off of me and I went to go and get the address from my boss.

Time skip

I was at this new address and I had knocked on the door I herd shuffling and then the door opened

When the person opened the door the first thing that had came out of there mouth was "ohh fuck no" and I had a door slammed into my face.

'What did I do wrong???.... is he ok?? What do I do?' Were the questions that were going through my head. The man had opened the door up again and this time he did not slam it in my face.

"HI!! I'm-" I was cut off by the man ,"fuck off" wow I hadn't heard that in a while. "What?"

I was getting a bit mad at this point but I'm not 'him' so I will control my anger "why sir I'm not going to leave this is my job and I wi..." he opens the door again this time a bit more angry.

"What do you want I'm tired and want to go to bed"

Todoroki's Pov

This freaking omega is at my door and won't leave and I don't want to deal with anyone today so I think I'll just make him think I'm a bad alpha that will hurt him he doesn't listen and go away.

But anyone that knows me knows that I wouldn't do that but still I just want to sleep today I have been doing hero work all day and the omega is blocking me from my bed.

"Go to hell omega I'm busy" although he was quite cute I was not going to let him distract me right now. He spoke in a timid voice "sir I'm a emotional support omega I'm here to help you relax".

I was not going to lie I think this omega is pretty cute and I guess I need to relax a bit so why not "fine" is all that I had said before I let the boy in. Once he was in i got a better look at him.

He was a lot smaller than me with green puffy hair that I bet was soft. He also had beautiful green eyes that compliments his hair, right below his eyes were little freckles that scattered his face. This boy had a feminine look to him but that is expected of an omega.

Wow he really is the definition of adorable even his ears were fluffy. I felt the strong urge to touch his hair it looked so soft and my hand went up instinctively and started to pet his hair. At a moment I had started to lift my hand he had flinched.

I had realized what I was doing and I jumped "what's wrong?" the boy said, the boy was confusing me did he not mind that I was petting him "umm arnt you bothered by me petting you?" the boy just shook his head.

"Sir that is my job it is to calm you plus it feels really nice to be petted like that see when we are taking care of you guys it also helps us because being an omega we really do crave attention" the boy spoke with a smile.

"Ohh well ok umm as I had said before I'm very tired would you mind if I just slept for the time being" the boy shook his head "sir its completely natural to be tired after a hard day of work you may sleep but what would you desire me to do in the time being?"

Welp I had not thought about that, all i had know was that i was tired and the boy was cute. Welp might as well give this a shot "hey my company paid you right but for how long" the boy nodded again "you have me for 3 hours... why do you ask sir?"

"Would you perhaps cuddle with .
Me?" The boy had started laughing "of course sir if that's what you wish of me... well except sex" now the boy had a little tint of pink on his face. I just nodded gestoring the boy into my room and started walking.

I laid on the bed and to my amusement the boy was a little to small to get on the bed and he was trying jump on it. Dealing I had a bed that was pretty hight up I diceded to help the boy get up before I broke out in laughter.

Once the boy was on the bed he let me get comfortable set a timer for 3 hours and then cuddled up to me and I'm not going to lie the omegas sent was quite nice and sweet I liked it a lot better than my own his was like a fleshly baked cinnamon roll with a hint of a vanilla cake.

Mine was like a mints and it was quite annoying to me it was always so strong. Whatever, this boy is so nice and cold against my hot body I liked it so much I had my head resting on his soft fluffy hair right next to his fluffy ears with my hand on his lower back.

The thing that got me was that I started to hear soft snores from the boy and God was it so cute I thought I could die this boys sent, body and the noises coming from him (God that sounds so DIRTY) had calmed me into sleep.

Time skip

This is the end of the chapter sorry also this is edited a little

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