Chapter 10

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Shoto's POV

I can't believe it, izu is mine, and he was the one to ask... now that I think about it I'm guessing that was making me look like a wimp. the omega asked and not the alpha, I don't care I'm so happy that he's mine. He said we could bond on his next heat but I don't care if I had to wait years I'm just glad that he's mine. It has been a week since he asked and nothing much has changed except that I can kiss him and I have a right to be overprotective of him.

I was on way home from work when I see a redhead outside my house, even though I know he is an omega I don't want him near my omega. As I walk up to him I can see a smile on his face, ''hey I'm izuku's friend Eijiro Kirishima but you call Eijiro or Kirishima whichever you prefer'' I don't know why but he smelled of katsuki ''uhh ok Kirishima my name is shoot tod-'' ''no need I already know who you are Izuku told me all about you... anyway can you let me in it seems that Izuku is sleeping'' I just nod and open the door for him to come in.

Izu jumps up as soon as my sent hits his nose and hugs me ''hey izu, umm there is someone here to see you'' I say as I hug him back he slipped out of my arms and hugged the redhead. This kinda made me a bit mad I wanted to hug him, I did not even realize it but my pheromones were smelling like a death threat. So izu stopped hugging the redhead and hugs me again, and I calm down but I do not let izu out of my arms, I simply picked him up and sat down on the couch and inhaled my boyfriends sent. (you guys don't know how long I have been wanting to use the 'b' word)

The redhead sits next to us and starts to go on about an alpha that he likes I did not pay attention to any of it since I was not very interested in what it was about before I started to smell until I smelt fear on my omega. ''Izu what's wrong?'' I whisper in his ear, he turns around and whispers in my ear ''the alpha he likes is kacchan'' my eyes go wide, this was why he smelt of katsuki. ''Hey, what's wrong Izuku?'' ''Oh its nothing'' izu said very quickly, he then buries his head in my neck and starts to rub our sent glands together.

''Izuku I'm going to leave'' the redhead said as he got up ''ok. Hey, do you think you could introduce me to this alpha of yours '' the redhead nods and leaves, I am very glad for that? Izu was still rubbing our sent glands together. ''izu what up?'' He just starts to purr and again must I say again he is the cutest thing I have ever seen. something I did not expect he licked one of my scent glands. I almost let out a moan, wow who knew a sent gland could be so sensitive. Then izu starts to giggle, so he knew that they were sensitive, I licked one of his and he let out a beautiful moan.

I loved the sounds he was making so I kept going, he again tasted sweet and I loved it he was sweet on the inside and outside. ''Sho stop'' and so I did, I did not want to piss him off and for him to mad at me so I listened. Which to my disliking he looked surprised that I had listened, ''what?'' He looked at me as though I had done something wrong. '' I did not expect you to listen, um why did you keep licking me'' I looked him dead in the eyes and said ''you taste really good'' he started to blush like a tomato.

I chuckled at the fact that he got so embarrassed at what I said, I had continued to lick him because like I said to him he did taste good. He continues to try and get me off him but I'm a whole lot stronger than him, I know I should be respecting him but I just want to keep licking him. You would do the same thing if you were me but your not and that means more for me, I mean how can he taste so fucking good.

Izuku's POV

God, it felt really good when he was licking me and I had no clue why, I didn't even know what he meant, this has been a problem for every guy I have dated. They always say that I am sweet and junk like what sho said a minute ago but I just don't get it, the thing is that this time it feels really good when he does it. The other alphas I have been with tend to make me feel gross and weird, but with sho feel so good, and i-i don't know happy.

I hear a knock at the door and I get up as fast as I can and go to answer it, I know that sho is not happy that I got up but I do bet that he will be pissed when he realizes that he won't be able to lick me for at least an hour. The guest I'm going to be very happy cause I had no clue what sho was doing and where that was going so lucky me you can. (Say he was saved by the doorbell.)

Eijiro and kacchan were the ones at the door and they were holding hands, I'm not going to lie when I say I was holding back from laughing my but off at kacchan's face when he sees me. ''Izuku this is my boyfriend'' I put out the hand that was not covering my mouth to shake kacchan's hand, and he looked pissed. Sho came up behind me and almost laughed himself ''WHY YOU BASTARD IM GOING TO KILL YOU'' and that was when me and sho broke down laughing.

''Guys what aren't you telling me'' Eijiro looked so confused that made me and sho laugh more. Kacchan spilled the beans ''this my ex-boyfriend Izuku'' Eijiro's eyes went wide, I started crying from laughing too much. ''IZUKU why did you not tell me that this was your ex I would have never had started dating him if I knew this was the guy that hurt you so bad that you had to go to the hospital'' my tears stopped as I calmed myself down.

''Eijiro it's ok we made up a couple of months ago so we're all good you can date him. we were laughing because we knew that it was kacchan, and I don't know about sho but I wanted to see his reaction to us when he realized I was the best friend that you have no doubt you have been telling him about.'' And then he started to laugh along with us but I walked over to kacchan well those two were laughing on the floor.

''Katsuki bakugou if you hurt him I will kill you'' kacchan's eyes went wide, for the first time since we met I called him katsuki. His eyes were wide for a minute till my boyfriend came up behind me and hugged me and I could feel his glare ''relax I have my own omega'' he gave a smug looked to sho and hugged Eijiro. I can say I could hear him saying 'this was the person your holding once' and then sho gave him a look that said 'shut up'. (I don't know but I had a very big urge to say ur mom gay)

Time skip

They had left a little bit ago and I was not in the mood for sleeping again ''sho'' he just hums as he hugs me ''I want to go outside'' he stoped humming ''no'' this had thrown me off, why can't I go outside ''why'' he just hugs me tighter than before '' I don't want to lose you...'' he said in a very hushed voice, I knew that he was not going to say yes so I just excepted... haha you thought ''please honey'' his eyes went wide from the nickname and then he glared at something.

Shoto's POV

He just called me honey and he's making puppy dog eyes at me, but I won't be persuaded so easily I think he knew this because he does something I don't think he would he ever do, he kisses me. I will let him go outside when I'm done kissing him

I'll make a detailed make out session next chapter. Forgive me for not uploading I'm at my cousin and I feel uncomfortable writing this around them

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