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Shoto's POV

I go through some of izu's stuff and found the collar. I put it on him and then I made lunch I woke up izu and fed him and then he pulled me into his bed and fell asleep. I was not tired so I got up went to my room that way i did not wake him up when i was playing on my phone because I did not want him to wake him up. When I did fall asleep I woke up to a vary mad Izuku and he had his cheeks puffed out like a child again.

I still think this is absolutely adorable but I had a feeling I was about to get yell at. My feeling was wrong instead I got a crying Izuku and this hurt worse than getting yelled at I did not know how to deal with this but I was extremely tired so I did the first thing that came to mind I grabbed him from the side of my bed and pulled him under the covers and just cuddled and fell asleep I would deal With his anger in the morning.

Time skip

Smut warning (even though i know that you don't need and if you did then skip to where its over but i don't think any one of you will)

When I wake up this time izu is on top of me panting and then nothin was when I noticed his sent and my alpha did not even take a second to take over. At first I had kept trying to mark him but that damn neck thing was in the way and i did not feel like I really wanted to take the time to get it off ill mark him later and he will be mine forever and no alpha was going to be taking him away from me not even that damn bakugou.

'' sho it hurts so much please mark me I need you'' izuku had begged I was going to help him anyway but that was encouragement i ripped off his clothes which I thought took to much time and then I ripped off my clothes mine. I new i was going to regret doing this to him when his heat was over but I cant control my alpha at this point. I don't want to hurt him. ''sho please help me it hurts''

Suddenly I hear the door to my house slam open my alpha was on high alert right now and then I the person that was there it was bakugou he was plugging his nose and came into the bedroom picked me up and I started to fight back letting off my angry phormones and that was when I had seen izu start to cry and whimper because he was frightened but not of bakugou... it was me he was frightened of me.

This had gave my alpha a vary big slap to the face and in that time bakugou got me out of the house closed the door and sat me down "you are a dumb ass, do you hear go stay at you sisters till his heat Is over" bakugou said before he walked away I wanted to spend time with izu but I did not want to traumatize him because when he is out of heat he would hate me and that would be the last thing I would want to happen at this point. I was addicted to his sent I cant deal that long with out it, this was not going to be fun.

Time skip

It has been a week A FUCKING WEEK. I have not missed someone so bad in my life. I need him he was now my only reason to keep living. I know that I'm the number one Hero and all but bakugou could do that... I need him now the thoughts are back nope they have been here all week. I'm all alone with out him I mean sure I love the time to spend with my sister and he kids specially the baby but I need the baby that has green hair and purrs when I pet his little ears.

That's it I'm going to go see him mean its been a week he has to be out of heat now i have been dealing with bakugou all week with no little cinnamon roll to help me calm down I don't know how i even could stand there listening to hum yell all damn day.

Time skip I'm lazy sorry

When I made it to my house I was in a vary happy mood and an even more happier mood when izu ran up and hugged me however I was not so pleased when he said '' I'm sorry.. I was being so umm I don't know how to say it (i do) but I'm sorry for my heat'' the boy had nothing to be sorry for it was a natural thing ''it's ok umm do you think I could come inside now'' he suddenly jumped off of me and let me in but I was kinda sad that he was no longer hugging me.

I sat down on the couch and he just about jumped in the spot in between my legs and flattened his ears. He want me to pet but I kinda want to mess with him a bit (dont hurt him) I wont trust me ( you better cuz i can kill you off so fast and I would make you watch as i gave him another mate).... what the fuck was that voice??? I lightly touch hid head just barely and when he started to lean into my hand I pulled it away and then I herd him pout and he left the spot in between my legs went to his room and locked the door.

Well I did not see that one coming and here I thought that i could play a little but now he was in a sour mood but now I really did want to pet him... shit why am I such an idiot I really want to pet him my alpha wants to pet him and this damn author bitch is not letting me. Whatever I head to his room unlock it with the key I have and I hug him and damn did it feel good. And this time he did not get up and pout he started to snuggle against each and I had no Intention of pulling away this time.

Time skip

I can hear me alarm going off and telling me to get ready for work so I slowly get up. Ohh did I forget that I fell asleep in izu room and on the floor at that... ohh shit izu might have caught a cold I pick him up and check his temp and he seemed fine so I put him on his bed cover him up give him a kiss on the forehead and started to get ready for work. When I was done showering I had seen izu up and then I noticed what he was wearing... it was my sweaters that was way to big on him.

I never want to see that off him he is so cute, pet him he's Cute

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I never want to see that off him he is so cute, pet him he's Cute. Yeah I can see that he's cute but need the omega's permission to just pet them he wants to be pet I mean look what he is wearing I know what he's wearing he probably just put it on when he was in heat. Yeah cuz he wants your attention.... PET HIM NOW!!! Before I even new what I was doing I was petting the omega. He had seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

''Izu we never did get to talk so are you out of heat and can I go to work'' he just nods his head yes. Then I did something my alpha was against I stopped petting him but he just leaned more into my hand. I raised my hand up and he went on his tippy toes. Ok he was way to cute but I did have to go to work and so I get up and he wines like a puppy ''izu I have to go to work'' this was when I think that izuku is a evil master mind cause he started to let off sad pheromones and did this thing with his eyes that made me want to stay.

NO NOPE I cant stay I have to go to work... do you really I mean you have a omega that wants you attention yes I do need to go to work so that this pretty omega can eat hmmm your right I don't want him to starve yeah that's why I'm in charge... I'm fighting with my alpha god i am an idiot. I leave for work beforeI get sucked in to his trape.

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