Chapter 9

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I give up on naming chapters

Todoroki's POV

It has been a few months of me and izu living together and we have managed to make it through one rut and 3 heats. Yes we have managed to get a system where if he goes into heat I go to my sisters and when I go into a rut he goes to his mother. Every time I don't see him for a week I get so sad because he special when I go into a rut I can't control myself, trust me we tried. I want him to be mine but I would like him to have a choice... throughout the past three months I have found out that I was gay, I know that izu is gay cause of katsuki. I want to mate him but I don't know if he likes me so I will keep my mouth shut.

Because I have figured out that I am gay I have been a little awkward around him which is unlike me I don't get awkward around anyone, only him. We have stopped cuddling, and sleeping next to each other, and when I say I miss him I mean it but I like him and he is so cute I want to sleep next to him again but I know that will only deepen my feelings for him and I know that it will only break my heart more when he rejects me or leaves me by the end of the year.

Izuku's POV

Sho has been acting weird for like a month and I miss him I don't like being away from him for that long and he never wants to cuddle I get Moore and more lonely I miss when he used to cuddle and would sleep next to me, I miss his warm body next to me. Know I feel like it's so cold at night all I seem to do is shiver, and hanks to my PTSD my dad gave me I seem to have trouble sleeping alone now... maybe I did something wrong, yeah I did something wrong and the only reason he has me around is because his company paid for it.

I did not realize that sho had come back from work, I had also not realized that I was crying. So he ran up to me and started to ask a bunch of questions "what's wrong, are you ok, why are you crying, are you hurt" he picked me up without even flinching, not having a single problem picking me up. This was understandable since he is an alpha, hero, and I am very light, "I'm fine'' I say in a very hushed voice. i did not want to make any more trouble for him than I already did, i. Knew that he did not like me and the only reason he keeps me around is that his company paid for me to be here.

More tears start to stream down my face ''you are not fine, tell me what's wrong'' he started to use his alpha voice which had scared me. I am as my father said 'a disappointment, useless, unwanted, a waste of valuable oxygen' i knew that I was crying aa lot but that seemed to be the only thing I am good at. Sho had started to hug me he put me in his bed and started to cuddle me, he was doing the job that I was supposed to do for him, and I was not going to stop him I missed him cuddling me.

Todoroki's POV

I have an excuse to cuddle him and god did it feel good, although I did not like him crying it was breaking my heart. I was laying there for like an hour I know that I was supposed to be staying away but I did miss him. He had stopped crying a couple of minutes ago, he passed out at that point, I had felt so bad for him even though I had no clue why he was crying. When I look at his eyes he had bags under them. He had been losing sleep and I think it was because of me. (on honey it was his father that did that) his face had shown that he was not eating enough, he had a lack of sleep, and all over he looked sad.

Time skip

I did not sleep this time not one but i was to busy in my mind on why izu had done this to himself, he looked sick it. It has been 2 hours since izu has started to stir the.started to scream. I had assumed he was having a nightmare, I started to shake him gently but he was a heavy sleeper. Since I did not want to jostle him too much I did the other thing that would calm an omega I put my sent gland that was on my wrist near his nose. He soon started to calm down this I had expected the thing that I did not expect was him hugging me, I was not going to not hug him back.

By this time I had lost most the control in my body and I had put my nose on his scent gland, and I had started to take big breaths of his oh so sweet scent, but you see I did something I really shouldn't have done... I licked his scent gland and to my surprise he still did not wake up, to be honest his skin was really sweet. So I bet you know where I'm going with this, I fucked up so so so so so sooooooooo~~ much, my dumb ass had started to lick his skin and I can tell you that it was so addictive.

He was my favorite food and person ''mmgh sho what are you doing'' fucking up that's what I'm doing, I decided that I should stop now. ''What do you mean izu'' he just hugs me again and falls back asleep, at this point, I know that he is the most addictive thing in this world. I would be the only one to touch him from now on he is mine and only mine. I fall asleep soon after thinking that.

Time skip

Izuku's POV

I want sho to be my alpha but I don't know if he will want me to b his omega (he does trust me I'm the one writing the story) where in the world is that voice coming from. Anyway, I think he might, we cuddle almost every night, we act like we are together even though we are not, he acts like my alpha and he is very possessive of me and does not like other alphas near me, and I kinda already treat him as my alpha. It would not be that big of a change only his company would not be paying me for staying with him.

I would stay with him for free if I could but I think sho would not need me anymore after this year and he probably thinks I am a burden. Ahh dang, my depression is starting to come back, oh well I don't care sho DOES not think I am a burden. I was laying on his chest right now, and may I say again he is so warm. you know what I'm going to ask him ''sho?'' He hummed '''will you be my alpha?'' He was very thrown off and he had frozen in place.

''Umm you don't need to say anything... *sniff* ill go'' tear started to pour down my face he probably just thinks of me as a friend. As I tried to get up he grabs my arms "yes'' he said and my eye was blown Wide ''I will be you alpha if you be my omega'' he finished. I hug him as tight as I can and he hugs me back.

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