Chapter 14

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Shoto's POV

What the fuck katsuki I can't believe that you did that to izu when you had seemed to be so very protective of him when you knew I had him. I have another reason to kill him how could he say that about my little omega, I still don't get most of the stuff he has told me. All I know is that if you hug this little bean he will stop crying after a while he will stop, but his eyes will be puffy so all you want to do is hold him forever.

When I heard what he had gone though I wanted to kill my best friend, I have known him for a few months and yet I would give him the stars for him to smile. and don't get me started when he called me alpha I all most fucked him right there, my alpha was just about to take over. The fact that he has so much control over me at this point, it made me a little scared I don't want to be one of the people that hurt him in his life.

''I'm never going to leave you '' he smiled at my words ''I know that you won't and I have encouragement for that'' I was a little curious what he meant. ''What do you mean izu'' he looked at me and smiled ''you claimed me, if you leave me ill most likely become depressed and kill myself plus I won't be able to find another mate ever again'' well I didn't need the encouragement but wow I didn't know.

He started to laugh ''you should look at your face alpha'' fuck again with the alpha ''were you lying'' he shook his head no. I don't want that to happen so I guess it really was encouragement in a way, I wanted to stay by him forever if what he said was the actual case. Well I probably would have anyway so that's fine, I picked him up walked over to the couch turned on the tv and we watched whatever was on.

He was in my lab and I really liked us just chilling and laughing at stuff that really wasn't funny, but we really didn't seem to care. Izu always passed out first but this time he didn't snore, oh so he's awake and he just wants to stay in my lap. ''Izu I know you're awake'' he doesn't react so I go with another attempt ''hey kitten you wanna go the bedroom'' he blushed so this is how I know I won.

''hahaha I win so stop pretending'' he groans and curls more into my chest, ok that's way too cute ''you can stay in my lap just don't pretend''. He opened his eyes still blushing ''How'd you know that I was fake sleeping'' ''I am not going to tell you that'' he puffed out his cheeks like a child. I kissed him on the nose he calmed down, I cant not love him he was mad only a second ago but one kiss and he forgives me.

He just starts to lean up, I knew he wanted another kiss and so I gave him a small peck on the lips And so He turned himself around so that he was now facing me. I kissed him again he kissed back but he soon broke the kiss and went straight sorry not straight curve to my scent glands. He started to take deep breaths inhaling my sent so I decided that I would do the same and I started to take in his sent.

After a little bit, I decided to bite his sent gland again claiming him once again ''alpha what.. what are. You doing'' I didn't answer him. I took my time with claiming him again but when I felt his blood on my tongue I stopped biting and licked the blood off his neck. ''Mine'' he just nodded, and when I took a closer at his neck, I could see that he looked really tense so the bleeding was a lot worse than usual.

''Izu are you ok'' he looked at me and smiled ''yeah of course alpha'' he was lying, I pick him upset him back down to go and grabbed the first ad kit. I patched him up as gentle as I Could trying my best not to hurt him even more then I did, he only just stayed still and winced every once in a while. I kissed his cheek when I finished the bandage, he let out a very cute giggle ad got up and went into his old room.

Ok so he's a little bit mad at me for biting him, but the thing I want to focus on was that giggle god it was like the cutest thing I have ever heard. I want to hear it again, Dang I should have recorded that I would repeat it on o a loop forever hearing that voice sounds like heaven. I walk over to his door to hear him laughing so I open the door ''what's so funny'' he looked at me and laughed even harder.

Izu's POV

I had no clue why I was laughing because I was in a lot of pain as of this point and I want to cry, I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. He looked at me with the look of concern when he had seen the tears in my eyes, ''izu what's wrong'' he cupped my cheeks. I started to cry like a little kid, I don't know why this hurt so much I have been through this stuff a lot i-i just don't get it.

He kissed my forehead gently, and I loved it, it made the pain go away just a little bit ''sho you know I'm yours right'' he looked confused. After a minute he nodded a yes ''then why the hell did you bite me when you just marked me'' he looked very surprised. Then he started to sweat a lot ''I'm sorry'' ''sho I love you but that really hurts the first time why did you do it again'' I yelled at my alpha.

Wait I yelled oh no I'm not supposed to do that, my ears went down to my head ''izu what's wrong'' he looks at me like he didn't know what I did. I just looked at him in confusion ''I yelled at you I'm sorry'' he looked at me with the look that he really didn't know what I was talking about. I just hug him and let out some happy trying not to laugh, he looked at me in surprise ''I tend to get mood swings after my heat'' I was lying.

Ohh no, my omega got what it wanted and now I Just lied to my alpha my alpha.

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