The sleeeping izuku

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Still Todoroki's POV

''Izu you know that I have to go to work'' he was not responding an then I knew why it's because he was asleep and he had a death grip on me so I picked up my phone and called the only person that knew how to deal with him bakugou and he had picked up.

T: hey I need your help with izu
B: ohh and what did that damn nerd do now
T; he won't let me go
B; he probably is getting close to going in heat
T; yeah but how do I escape with out hurting him or waking him up
B; uhh that I don't know about... where is he on your body
T; under me shirt
B; really wow you are stuck man if he did that he probably is really is going closer to heat then I thought... wait has he don't this before
T; yes why
B; how did you escape it before
T; at that time he didn't have a fucking death grip on me
B; ohh your at the death grip stage now wow that was fast
T; what do you mean
B; well that damn deli after awhile he gets more attached and he craves more attention he's a special type of omega trust me on that I mean heat once a month that's just insane
T; I mean you are right on that but still I need to go to work
B; well you aren't going ill tell momo for ya ok now stay by his side are hell be vary mad at you ok
T; how would you know
B; he did the same thing to me but I did not have anybody to worn me about how mad he would be if you did go to work
T; wait are you being seriously
B; yep now stop bothering me my alpha feels like killing you for taking 'my omega'
Beep beep beep

He ha just hung up on me... god hat ever if I cant escape this without him being mad at me well I just let him have me for the day (not like that you fellow perverts) the bad part is that I really have to go piss and with him on me like this i don't know what to do.

Izuku's POV

I am so happy that he is staying with me and that he still believes that I'm asleep because now he wont try and move me but I am going to have to tp tell sho why I'm like this I don't want him to have to be so confused and what if he thinks I'm to much work like kacchan did and he leaves me I don't want to be left alone anymore I DONT WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE please sho don't leave me like he did. I could feel tears falling from my cheeks.

''Izu...IZU WHATS WRONG WHY ARE YOU CRYING!!'' Sho sounds really worried '' I'm sorry sho its nothing'' I try smiling but it did not work he did not believe me ''Izu what wrong'' he looked at me in the eye and that was enough for me to spill my guts ''sho please... please don't leave me like kacchan did im sorry if I'm a burden you but please don't leave me I don't want to be alone anymore'' I could see that he looked hurt but what i had said.

'' I was not planning on leaving you alone izu why would you think I would do that?'' This had came to a surprise to me but I had to give him an answer him '' everyone always leaves me I don't want to lose you'' he just hugged me and kept whispering in my ear stuff that would calm me down. God I really am a burden. Sho was so kind to me I really did not want him to leave me. I want him to be the on that sticks by my side.

Why do I have to be such a burden (i did not know I was going to be giving izu a slight depression) I missed being held with such love it made me feel so safe and I had no clue why but this meant that I had started to trust an alpha and I was scared what if he hurt me like they did I didn't want to be hurt like that again I know kacchan was trying to be nice but that wont fix what he did and how much he hurt me.

'' sho I'm a special type of omega... that's why I have heat so much also my sent is about 10 times more I guess you can say toxic and I'm not exactly sure if your training will work that well when I do go into heat and your rut can fall into the same place as my heat and then what are we going to do'' i broke down into tears again because i was scared what if he turned out like the rest.

Shoto's POV

Izu had past out now and a couple of questions came to mindHow is this omega so emotional I dont know how to deal with it but I'm not leaving him he is my omega and mine only. When he did not know what to do I was getting a bit annoying because I really did not know what to do and he said that his sent was toxic which I think is a lie. His sent is the best but if its 10 times more powerful he has I a point I mean I can barely control myself around normal omegas in heat but he did say that he was special.

God why did everything have to be so confusing all i wanted to do was mate with him but i know that he would not be ready and the thing that really was annoying was the fact that a he kept getting these mood swings and i have no idea on how do deal with it so i did not. Know how to make it stop and i have to keep relying on just hugging him but what if that dose not work. What am i going to do.. wait i know ill just call up bakugou. I again i pick I up my phone and call him.

B; what now half an half
T; what dose this mean i feel like your not telling me something what is it?
B; this is his pre heat shit that's why you don't leave him alone
T; ok so why couldn't you tell me this earlier
B; well you didn't ask earlier
T; what with the mood swings with him
B; well you try thinking of 50 things to go wrong and see if your emotions start going hey-wire

This was pissing me off he was being an ass and i did not feel like trying to hide my anger. This was when i had made a vary bad oops i had started to let out angry  pheromones and they were vary strong. Izu started to wimpier and let off scared pheromones. I stop letting off my pheromones altogether and i think that bothered him more the angry ones cause he started to wimpier louder than before.

B; why is Deku whimpering what are you doing to him
T; I'm not doing anything I just stoped letting off my sent since you were pissing me off and i was letting off angry ones
B; well deal with it he needs your sent right now
T; your a bitch you know that right
B; well it really is a good thing that I don't give a shit
T; anyway you said that this was his pre heat
B; mhm
T;well he said that his sent was like 10 time the normal omega on heat is this true
B; yep it is
T; ok so how do i stop my alpha from taking over and using him how did you do it
B; dude you cant his type of omega is rare but its true you cant stop your alpha from taking over you will end up doing it anyway when you go into rut cause you have a 80% chance of your rut and his heat falling in the same place
T; shit how the fuck do I stop it  I don't want to hurt him
B; just make sure that he wears the thing that protects his neck that way you don't jerk him
T; ok, thanks i have to go he kinda fell asleep and i have to put him to bed

Beep beep beep

I hung up before he could respond and i would soon regret that. I want to mate izu but i want his consent to do so i mean how did bakugou hold out for so long not marking him.

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