my ex

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I heard the door being unlocked I got really excited I want to cuddle and I want to eat his delicious food I want to smell that minty sent even though it's all over the house I liked it better when it from him. You can say I like it fresh but still the thing I did not notice was that my tail was wagging like crazy and it was not stopping.

When sho walked though the door I was about to run up and hug him but that's when I had seen my ex boyfriend katsuki bakugou and that was when my tail stoped wagging. My tail rapped around my leg and my ears matted to my head. I was terrified that he would hurt me again. I looked up at him and he was in complete shock.

I walked to the room sho had given me without even saying hi to him and I was trying to hold back tears as my heart started to hurt but all that hurt won and the tears started to pouring down my face and I cant stop it.

Katsuki's pov

I had just seen deku after 5 years and I was pissed "WHAT THE FUCK MAN YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOUR OMEGA WAS MY EX" I screamed at half n half and this is what mad his eyes widen "what?..."this made me even more pissed "that little green haired angle is my ex and trust me when I say he really hates me and I really can't blame him" and half n half realized the situation.

Shoto's pov

So that sweet little omega was dating one of the biggest jackass's in Japan "what did you do to him" is the next thing that came out of my mouth and I'm pretty sure it sounded like a threat. My alpha was taking over and I think bakugou can tell that much "listen half n half it's a long story" "well we have time NOW tell me what you did he looked terrified" he got that in was not going to let this down and sighed.

"Me and him were childhood best friends but when he found out that he was an omega and that ghb e was quirk less I had started to bully him and let's aya it got a little out of hand sometimes" this was making me pissed I want to kill him for touching my omega but I need to now what else he did " after UA I had gotten over all that stuff and well we started dating.... and I was as horrible to him but he had always smiled for me and he would always say that he loved me... but one day I had came home after hero work and I was a little drunk and I had hurt him more than I had used to I hurt him bad enough to put him in the hospital and before he was hospitalized I had told him that I didn't love him and that I had never loved and I did not want to see him again".

That had made my alpha go crazy he hurt my omega that bad but he was not done "the worst part about it was that when I said that to him his mother had just died" this had made my heart sink "why would you do that to him" is what came out of my mouth and he just looked down and said "I-i have no excuse" my alpha was right about to kill him before izu walked out of his room with puffy red cheeks.

"H-h-hi kacchan" he looked like he was about to start crying and I walked up to him and just hugged him and I could just smell the fear Pheromones that he was releasing "izu he's not going to hurt you I won't let him ok" he nodded "I was not planning to hurt deku" my blood is boiling "ok bakugou is my friend he wont hurt you" "I was his childhood best friend and his boyfriend but that didn't stop him"was the last thing that came out of his mouth before he left my arms and went into his bedroom.

I could see the guilt on his face and I felt a little bad for him but my alpha was still so pissed that he hurt my omega. I took him to the couch and I could see that he didn't want to harm izu and I could see that he hates that he ever hurt izu "katsuki you need to talk to him"  my alpha did not like that plan at all since I had not marked izu and so he could be stolen from him but katsuki was my friend so I will help him.

"Izu come here please" I said with the most caring voice I can muster. Izu does come out (not like that) but he was hesitant I hug him when he dose come out of the room and I released calming Pheromones and I could see him relax a tiny bit but he was still looked like he was about to cry "izu I need you two to work things out ok" and this made him freeze he did not want to listen to that but I had a feeling he liked being in my arms with my sent.

"Please" I ask nicely he nods and I sit on the couch and he sits in my lap I think bakugou didn't like this but my alpha loved it so I let it win with this. "Hi kacchan" he said "hi deku" I did not like him calling him by a nickname but I did not show my hostility towards him and so I just inhaled izu's sent and it calmed me down a bit.

Katsuki's pov

He was all over my omega... wait no deku is no longer mine we are not dating anyone but still I still love him and its pissing me off that he is touching him so much and I can see that half n half is loving me suffering by this but I'm pretty sure that's his alpha "deku I'm sorry" God daaaaammmme that hurt my pride so much I really hate saying that but he deserves that and the he smiled at me and I had not seen him smiling in so long.

"Kacchan I know how much that hurt you pride and how much you hate saying your sorry... so I can forgive you" he said and I had no reason  to be so happy but I was and I was relieved that he had forgiven me " thanks deku... I have to leave now cause my alpha still thinks your my omega and is going insane by what it is seeing" and then he started to laugh "of course kacchan" was the last thing he said before I left.

Shoto's pov

My alpha had calmed down a bit now that he was gone izu was letting of happy Pheromones and said "thank you sho I would have most likely be scared of him my whole life if you had not told me to make it up with him" and he hugged me back and now was the fun part of the day this was when I get to spend time with izu and no one will bother me and my omega.

I had noticed that I had become vary passive this past week and I had no clue why but all I know is that I want izu to be mine for ever "sho we need to talk" and that scared the shit out of me because no one says 'we need to talk' unless they or the person they need to talk with is in trouble. 

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