I miss him

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The thing that got me was that I started to hear soft snores from the boy and God was it so cute I thought I could die this boys sent, body and the noises coming from him (God that sounds so DIRTY) had calmed me into sleep.

Time skip


Todoroki's pov

All I hear is an alarm go off and it's so loud and all I want to do is sleep with the angle that is on top of me on my chest still asleep, I guess he's a deep sleeper it would explain the loud alarm clock in the background. I did not want to get up the angle but I cant just waist his whole day with me.

I lightly shake the boy "hey umm..." well shit I did not ask his name God I am an idiot. I shake the boy a little faster and he starts to stir's in his sleep... why does he have to be so damn cute I want to keep him here for ever.

I put my hand on the boys back for support as I get up and turn off the alarm because it was annoying and I am going with the boy back to sleep. I do feel bad for waisting his time but I had liked to cuddling with him.

After I shut the alarm off I felt the boy on top of me shiver so this I took as the time to put on the blankets which I did without waking him up I inhale his sent again laying down and soon fall asleep from the cute little snores coming from the boy.

Time skip

When I had woken up the boy still on my chest but he was awake "is something wrong" I asked a little mad that he had woken up, I mean it's only 2 hours past the time he said he was going to leave at anyway and I want to sleep more.

"Umm did my alarm go off by any chance??" the timid boy asked "yes and it was quite annoying" the boy looked shocked "YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME UP!!" welp shit he's mad "look I tried but you didn't wake up so I had assumed you were very tired and let you sleep"

The boy had seemed to calm down after what I had said "I'm sorry for what I had said please forgive me" he said looking like he was about to break down "uhh shit... umm never mind would you like a ride home?" The boy looked up at me and smiled and nodded.

He was so cute I want to cuddle again uugh I want his little body... fuck my gay is showing again. "Ok I'll be right back wait here" I said trying not to sound scary since he looked ready to cry still. I picked him up easily set him back on the bed and left the room.

I fixed my hair grabbed my keys and went and started the car, went back up and picked up him and drove him home said my goodbyes and God dammit I forgot to ask him his name again wtf is wrong with me.

Time skip

It has been a week and I have been absolutely going nuts with out him here I want him next to me when I lay in bed. I want to fall asleep to his soft beautiful little snores. I want to feel his small body on top of mine as I put my hand through his soft hair.

God I miss him, I have never missed anyone in my life and yet a boy I spent a little over 5 hours with sleeping and all I want to do is to see him and smell his sweet sent and see that vary sweet smile. It has been a pain in the ass to focus on work when I think of him!!

Anyway I got told by my boss that he was scheduled to come this week too and I was so excited to see that little omega... wait he's an omega why am I wanting him... he's just an omega why am I like this why...why....why

Time skip

After work I was to tied up In my thoughts to realize that omega that I craved was right in front of me "hey.... umm sir are you there" the boy snapped me out of my thoughts and back into reality. "yes I'm sorry umm by the way what's your name" the boy smiled at me "I'm izuku midoriya but you may call me what you want, most people do anyway"

"Well izuku since you dont mind I will be calling you by your first name... ohh and the sir is not needed you can call me shoto that way we are on a first name basis ok" the boy nodded and I let him in and we sat down on the couch. "Ohh uhh si-" I growled at him "not sir shoto" he gave me a little laugh.

"Ohh sorry shoto what do you want to do today?" Izuku ask (God it was so much easier saying the boy) "can I pet you. your hair is so soft and fluffy" I say still with a straight face he just gave me a smile he nodded like always and got up and sat on the floor IN BETWEEN MY LEGS.

"Umm izu what are you doing" this was the first time had seen him blush and ohh my God its adorable. Well when I started to pet his soft hair I had noticed that his ears were right there and I had even more of an urge to touch them and I did and they were soft too and big on his head once again adorable.

This is when I looked down at him... the blush that was on his face had spread and darkened 3 shades and then he spoke "umm shoto... did you know that an omegas ears are a lot more sensitive to touch then an alpha's" that had confused me. "Umm what do you mean by that izu" I had like the nickname I had given him and I would make sure that I was the only one to be calling him that.

"Ummm... SHOTO! I really need you to stop touching my ears... because for omegas that is a type of thing we do with are mates...s-so could you please stop" that snapped me out of it and into a big trouble "ohh I'm sorry izu it's just it's so soft and nice to touch I did not mean it that way so please except my apologies" he started to laugh at me... again.

"Haha dont worry it felt quite nice to get that sort of attention again it's been awhile... umm could you continue you have a vary genital touch so could you continue" ok so now I'm even more so confused he said stop and now I have to do it more and did he not say that was something that the mates do and what does he mean it's been awhile???.... did he have a mate???

"Umm didn't you say that's what mates do..... never mind sure I'll continue" him maybe that's why it had felt so good to pet his ears?? Am I craving a mate and is the mate I'm craving izu?? Or am I just going into rut wait now that I think about it it has been awhile since I have been in heat. Wow that's so weird.

(And if you bitch's expect me to explain shit well most of the shit I read you know where I'm getting all of my information from was made up bye them so I'm doing the same)

Anyway I had kept petting izu and he fell asleep and was purring and I was about to pass out my self I was extremely tired I just did not want to waist his time today like I did last week but I guess a little sleep won't kill me... maybe??

Dekus pov

I woke up about hour before my alarm was set to go off and when I look up I see shoto asleep laying on the couch hand still in my hair and I do not know why but I want sleep next to him again I mean it the only thing I have thought about all last week and I want to again I mean he's asleep I-i dont think he'll mind if it just a 'short' nap.

I had somehow convinced myself that he wouldn't and rested my head on his chest and God his body was so warm I did not want to leave that warmth for at least an hour and maybe more so I cancel that alarm??

Ok end of this chapter see in a bit

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