how to deal with this

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Izuku's pov

Me and sho need to talk about how we are going to be dealing with beat and rut since we are going to be living together but when I said we need to talk he started letting of scared Pheromones and I think he thinks he's In trouble and this had made me giggle "sho your not in trouble" this seemed to make him feel more at ease and that had made me giggle harder and that made him smile again. Wow I really do love his smile it makes me feel so happy and safe.

"I dont know about you but my heat comes once a month and that's even alot for an omega and what are we going to do because I am allergic to the supresents so when I go in heat there is no stopping it" this seemed to hit him in the head really hard and he just looked dumb founded and the he said something that would make most people die in a hole "what did you and katsuki do when this time came around".

I was not about to tell him that me and his friend had sex ALOT during this time "sho are you sure you want to know that" this man looked at me in utter confusion and said "well will just do that because that would probably work best so yes I would like to know" I was about to slap this man but then I saw realization hit him and I felt no need to any more.

His face went to embarrassment to anger in 1 second and I did not know why he was angry but I ignored that "so what are we going to do when I go into heat or you go into rut he still looked mad so I just assumed that I was going to have to solve this and I ended up muttering to myself.

Shoto's pov

So I wanted to do what Bakugou did with deku and I'm going to play dumb to get it... God I'm a bad person and yet I'm a hero. I dont think izu knows that heros are trained to not to go assaulting every omega in heat just because. I'm trained because we save omegas all the time and some of them are in heat so it really doesn't matter if he goes into he or not but the thing is my rut is a big problem because I have no control over what I do then.

Izu had been muttering for an hour and I was so entranced bye because this was when I was able to stare at his Beautiful face. Then he had stop mumbling and looked at me "you are messing with me right" and I think he figured it out I'm so dead "hmm" still trying to asked dumb I say "what do you mean" he looked at me a bit more annoyed this time and I know damn well he figured it out now.

"Did you know when I was dating kacchan he told me that alphas that I heros go through training to withstand and omegas sent when in heat" ohh shit he did "ok izu I'm sorry for playing dumb but what can we do when I go into rut I mean I cant do anything to stop my alpha taking control then and he might hurt you and I dont want that" I was trying to sweet talk him so that I would not get in trouble.

It did not work he still looked mad at me his cheeks were all puffed up and everything and he was even more adorable than usual "sho what do we do" he went from mad to sad so quickly and he was about to cry... how do I deal with this "listen izu my rut is not for another 3 months so we can figure it out in that time" ok so I just said what ever came to my head first and it was pretty stupid because an omegas heat can make an alpha go into rut early so we might be fucked.

What I had said seemed to calm him down a bit so and then izu started to cuddle up to me and God it felt so good I love cuddling with him I mean come on he's so soft and so tiny and so.. so cute. This had reminded me how the hell did izu get under my shirt if he was in between my legs when I passed out 2 days ago I dont remember ever waking up and putting him there so he did that "izu" he just hummed which I thought was adorable "why were you under my shirt the other day" the he started to release scared Pheromones.

"Izu you crawled under my shirt" he did not give a response again and this I took as a yes "izu why did you calm in my shirt" he just sat there looking guilty ''izu~'' I was just taunting him and he was looking more and more cute ''I was tired and I liked your sent and it helped me fall asleep'' was all he said looking down '' izu that dose not explain why you were under my shirt'' he looked like he was about to start crying and so I started to freak out.

''Ok.. its ok izu it doesn't matter I was just messing with you'' he looked up at me and just started absolutely balling his eyes out ''sho it does matter I did it without your permission'' more tears started to fell from his face, just seeing him cry like that was making my hart break '' izu I said it was ok.. don't stress over the little things ok'' I started to wipe the tears away with my thumbs  I want to kiss him but I knew he does not like me like that. To be honest I was not even sure if I like him like that...

Time skip

I was hugging izu and inhaling his sweet sent and I was not going to move for awhile and then I heard izu  start snoring so I took that as an intro initiative to go to the bed room and lay down that way he dose not wake up with a back pain and I was really attached to him because my alpha was thinking he was mine even though I know he isn't. I put him on my chest and pulled the blankets over us even though I was not cold.

(I'd not know if you. Know this but the reason  I keep Wright it them going to bed is because I like to sleep a lot and I would think that they would to)

I was not really that tired so I just laid there with him sleeping peacefully but I had to soon use the bathroom so I carefully pulled him off me and set him on the bed and put the blankets on him And he grasped the pillow I was laying on and pulled it to him. I walked off to use the restroom when I come back I can see him whimpering I had no clue why though maybe he was having a nightmare so I walk over to him and then he suddenly stop I was confuse at this point is as just confused.

I crawled into bed with him and he had seem to like that a lot because he crawled right next to my sent glands and just started to purr and it was so cute I cant believe I get to keep him. Pull izu closer to me and listened as he purrs and I was so at peace so was my alpha so I was vary and then I fell asleep with him right next to me.

Time skip

I wake up to izu again under my shirt but the funny part was that I think he was awake but I doubt that he knows that I was awake so I was just going to let him be under there because I liked the skin to skin contact and he was counting all my scars. This boy did something that scared me a bit ''hey sho how long are you going to pretend you are asleep'' how the fuck did he know I wasn't asleep ''izu why are you under my shirt''

He just pooped up out of the neck of my shirt and smiled at me ''because you smell very good and your vary warm'' this had thrown me off because he said that I with out even a bit of hesitation. He even didn't blush I was kinda disappointed because I think its really cute when he does blush ''izu your way to cute'' now that had made him blush which I vary much liked but I  had to go to work and he was not complying.

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