Chapter 11

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Shoto's POV

As I and izu were kissing I decided I wanted more, I wanted way more than just a little peck on the lip. When he had tried to pull him right back into the kiss, this time I bit his lip he gasped in shock so I took this chance to get my tongue in his mouth. He did not fight for dominance, so I started to roam around his mouth never seeming to get enough, h-he was just so sweet so addicting. I could feel as our Silvia mixed and I loved every second of it, I could feel my self starting to get light-headed.

I pull away just long enough to catch my breath before start kissing him again, But this time izu does not let me in his mouth. I started to growl he opened his mouth almost immediately, I knew that I should respect his wishes but I couldn't stop he just was so addictive that it felt as it was impossible to do. I'm a bastard I shouldn't be doing this I felt something pull me off of him 'you shouldn't be doing this to your soulmate' a voice said to me as I opened my eyes all I could see is Izu crying.

I go over and hug him but he just scrambled out of my grasp and ran out the door, and I had no clue what to do. I heard a voice just like before say maybe my alpha 'hey bastard this is not your alpha, but your omega-' I'm not an omega 'if you would let me finish your omega needs you, and you are sitting on your ass well he's out there cold and alone' yeah it's my alpha.

Time skip

When I get to a street I see a very pissed girl that I recognized as one of my classmates from the U.A. but she had dropped out when her girlfriend died. She ran up to me and slapped me ''how dare you hurt Deku-Kun'' I grabbed her and brought her to an ally ''I did not mean to hurt him'' I started to let out angry pheromones ''and where is he, where is my omega'' the girl started to look even more pissed ''he is not yours and trust me when I say if I were a beta I would take the deepest of care of him as his mate. He's been though enough don't you think'' she was starting to piss me off even more he is mine he is the best thing that had happened to me.

I see izu come out of the ally looking like he had just been stabbed, which just so happened to be the case. He fell to the ground blood spilling around him, just fell to the ground next to him as he was in my arms bleeding. I pick him up and started to use my ice to get him to the hospital and I got a lot of attention because me being the #1 hero when I had reached the hospital.

Time skip

It has been a week since izu has been stabbed, we basically stopped talking and I really can't blame him I had forced him to kiss me. He had been keeping secrets from me, he had a past that I did not know about and no katsuki was not the only problem. He had all this stuff that he had crept from me and he won't even tell me, not now and probably never. Yes, I know that I'm being an insensitive jerk that he had been through all this shit and I should be giving him time, but he is being insensitive to my feelings.

Right now I feel like he does not trust me, I feel like he does not love me enough to just tell me, but I know I should be giving him time. At this point in time, we were sitting on the couch next to each other not touching in the slightest bit. We have not cuddled nor talked or even touched in this past week, I make breakfast go to work come home shower go to sleep. I have missed his sweet voice and smile but I am not going to apologize at this point, the freckling voice in my head is just like a taunting bitch.

The voice speaks 'hey did you know that izu has some of the softest skin' shut up 'ohh do you ever remember when his little body use to cuddle up to you' SHut up ' ohh do you remember when you used to hear him say he loved you' SHUT UP ' no won't be shouting up till you apologize to the sweet omega that just wants you to hug him and wait for him to tell him you bastard. You don't know how he feels you don't know what he's been thou-' ''SHUT UP''.

I realize that I had just said that aloud, izu looked scared again so I gave up and hugged him. ''I'm sorry...'' he just hugs me back tears streaming down his face as I hug him tighter when I looked into his eyes for the first time in a week I can see that he's not getting enough sleep. I picked up the love o my life and carried him to the bed and set him down but when I tried to walk away he grabbed my arm. ''Please don't leave me alone''...

Time skip

Izuku POV

I know that this is the week before me and sho finally mate and knowing that we are still too young for kids I started birth control. And I know that by the time that I start my heat that I will be begging him for kids so I have to be prepared. My omega is about to kill me for making it so that I can not have kids this heat, but I will have to deal with it for now. I gave a little kiss to sho again because I really did not learn my lesson from the last time I kissed him and I really don't think I ever will.

He deepened the kiss but this time I wanted him to, I mean I need to make sure that I get the attention from my alpha. It was. The consensus of me not being submissive and not talking for a month and all that stuff had made me really sad for I felt unloved. I really felt bad for sho he was my everything but I end up being a burden, I should have Been a better omega. Here I was saying that I was the perfect omega and yet I can't even let my alpha kiss me.

O felt bad so I broke the kiss even though I know dang well it felt nice to be kissed again, I proceeded to bury my face in his neck. He did the same with me ''izu can you please tell me what happened to you, tell me what happened to you'' sho had whispered into my ear. I just slowly nod yes but I know that I was doing it reluctantly, but I was going to mate with him so I had to trust him.

''Sho just promise me you won't leave me like they did'' I know I had started to cry from the memories he just hugged me and said ''I promise... I promise''. This calmed me then anyone could ever know, just knowing I won't be left alone ever again. He kissed me again giving me the courage to tell him the story of what still scares me to this day '' it all started—

Memory time

I and kacchan had started dating 2 years ago and I could not get u the courage to tell him that I wish he would stop hurting me, but I never could. Every day it was the same he went to work left me here alone in the. I had felt all alone useless to everyone i was not alone outside effort the fear that his favorite punching bag would leave him, he sadly never got that no matter how much he hurt me I would always love him.

When he would get home I would be beaten and bruised to the point where getting up was the biggest challenge of all. And every day it had seemed to get worse one day he had started to fuck me till I had fainted. And when my heat came around I had kept on the collar so he could not mark me, at this point I had no clue as to why I was not letting him mark me as his. My heat was painful especially since he would never touch me, yeah he had control enough to let me suffer as the fresh smell of the person I had thought to be my alpha and I was not allowed to touch or be touched.

At night we had slept in different rooms because he said that my snoring was too loud he said that my sent disgusted him to the point of throwing up. I felt alone constantly, and if you can believe it this was not the part that had made me so hurt no the thing that makes me terrified of alphas was my dad. When sho had broken up with me my mom had died and since the only place that I had to go was my 'fathers' place.

Most people would think that a father would be nice to have after a breakup but not for me. My father hated me because I was an omega, much like kacchan he also hated me because I was quirk-less I was useless to him and the.fact that I am gay had made my father even madder. So even after I had the breakup with kacchan I was still getting beaten, the reason he had kept me around was so he could use me.

My father had started rapping me, he had beaten me rapped me stuck me in the base meant and starved me. My father had started to cut me with different objects he had told me so many times that he would have much rather me be dead then my mother. At this time I had started to agree with him, I thought that if I was dead and not my mother then everyone would be happy I would not be wasting any more oxygen.

One of the times my father had beaten and rapped me so bad that I had almost died, I was in the hospital for months in a coma and my dad had been taken into prison. The scars had faded over time but the ones in my mind did not...


I will do the reaction in the next chapter but that's what he told Shoto

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