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Izuku's POV

Sho was still just kissing me lightly as i we slowly started to make out, i turned around so that we could have better access to me. I could feel his hand start to glide up my torso around the stopped ''this is the first time i have realized you have abs?'' This made me break into a fit of laughter. He was still feeling around my torso till he made his way to my very sensitive nipples i let out little moans.

''Sho~'' he let out a very small growl, he continued to play with my nipples make me moan more and slightly louder. I grab his face so that i could kiss my alpha or should i say master ''master~'' he smiled when i called him master. I kissed him more because i wanted to try to muffle my moans, he was not going to have that so he started finger me this made me even louder and i was enjoying every second of it.

I was leaning against his chest as he was doing so, but i wanted more so i decided to make him hurry up so i started to jerk him of but slowly. He had let out a low grunt he added another finger to my ass so ended up letting out another moan he grind so i started to pump him faster. I could feel a vain pulsing as i pumped his shaft faster, he started to move his fingers faster as my moans had gotten loud..

Shoto's POV

My little kitten was making beautiful noises that i could listen to for weeks, he was still jerking me off very slowly and i wanted to go faster but i wanted to tease him a little. I kisssed him as i was moving my fingers in him, i could feel the muscle inside him convulsing around my fingers. I broke the kiss and started going down his jaw leaving Hickys and love bites in my path, till i herd him moan louder ''bingo'' i mumbled.

I started to abuse the spot with love bites and hickeys that layer the old ones as he starts to moan louder and louder. I love every sound he makes as my hands start to roam his fragile body slowly, sucking every moan i could out of the boy i loved the most. He was pumping my member faster now earning him a groan from me.

his head still leaning on my chest (ok not going to lie i forgot a lot Of shit well taking a break from writing so I'm just going to skip this as much as i wanted to Wright this chapter I'm losing inspiration for every thing right now)

Time skip

Me and sho were out of the bath after what we did, dang i feel so dirty  for enjoying it so much and how much i wanted more. My back hurt so much and all i wanted to do was sleep, but my omega want to be near sho as much as i could so i was stuck. Sho is my alpha and i must make him happy but so far i have been a whining little omega that cant do anything for his alpha.

I lay my head on his lap by doing this i accidentally let out a whimper of pain escape my throat. Sho looked down on me with worry in his eyes '' I'm okay sho dont worry'' he was looking even more worried then before i put my hand on my stomach and give him a reassuring smile. Without warning he picked me up and and brung me to the bedroom layer me down covered me with blankets.

When started to leave the room i grasped his hand and gave a little tug toward me wasn't smiling though. Wait did i do so thing wrong i just want my alpha to cuddle me, i know i was about to cry but i dont know what i did to make him mad at me. He pulled me into a hug gently to make sure not to hurt me which made me feel better being in his arms but what if he's only with me outa pity.

What if after he marked me he realized that he didn't actually love me he just wanted my body. What if the only reason is because i told him that i would most likely kill myself without him what if—. My thoughts were interrupted by sho kissing me, it made all of those fears go away in the second he kissed me he broke the kiss '' dont lie to me ever again'' he said using his alpha voice.

My omega immediately gave i and nodded, he just layed down next to me as we inhaled each other's Sent's never getting sick of it. As i started to drift asleep i heard show whisper in my ear ''i love you never forget that my love'' that was all it took for me to have no doubt in him. I know he loves me and i love him and he is going to love our child with all of his heart.

Time skip

Shoto's POV

I want for izu to meet my mom because she is the most important person in my life other then him. Izu being the little lazy kitty he is, he is still sleeping so soundly little cute snores escaping his mouth and all i feel as if I'm luckiest man in this world. I sit up because well I'm not that tired i only wanted him to go to sleep, i was still a little mad at him for trying to lie to me about him being ok.

He just lied to me without even thinking about it, i was lucky i could feel his discomfort before he hurt himself. I put my hand in his hair, and god damn i totally forgot how soft it is i don't think I'm going to able to stop from touching it. I want to be close to me omega as much as possible but if it ends up hurting him I-i just don't know what to do. He needs to under stand that I'm ever going to give up on him and that i love him no matter what.

He is carrying my child i wouldn't leave him before why would i leave him now, he doesn't know how much i love him. He's going to see how much i love him soon i just hope that he understands that he is mine and I'm his and that little baby is ours.

Time skip

I told izu that we are going to see my mom today and i think he's had 6 panic attacks in the last three hours. Right now he was having trouble with picking what to wear and its so cute i go up behind him ad rap my arms around his waist. ''Izu she is going to love you no matter what you wear i promise'' he relaxed into my touch and started to lean on me and i think my heart did a flip, he dose this so often but every time my heart does a flip.

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