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Yes I'm back yes I'm very lazy and I have prepared 2 new chapters because I knew i was going to be taking a very long break

Shoto's POV

izu has been having a heart attack for as long as we have been in the car and I can't say that I don't find it as the cutest thing in this world. He's so nervous that he started doing that cute mumbling thing that he does, I start to release calming pheromones. He soon relaxed and started to purr, and all I wanted to do was cuddle him for the rest of my life and never stop. He looks at me and gives me that really sweet smile that could melt any heart.

I kiss him and he turns red which made me chuckle and he turns even redder, I could see that his blush was the color of Kirishima hair. I look at the road to see my burning trash of a father in front of me and I'm tempted to try and run him over. Izu just looks so confused at my sudden sour mood and can smell the anger in my sent So he started to hug me.

And I smiled when I looked back up I could see my 'father' looked even more pissed at his actions but that just made me even happier. He started to walk up to the car ''sho who's that man??'' Izu asked confused ''he's my dad'' ''I say in air quotes. As he gets to the car window he tells me to roll down my window so I do ''shoto what are you doing with a slut omega'' and now I'm pissed.

I start to growl at him and bring izu closer to me, this makes that man chuckle ''what's wrong it just an omega slut''. ''Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit non of your kids love you because you were too focused on have a 'perfect child' that you ignored them, and don't even get me started on mom you drove her so mad that she burns her child's face, and when she was in hospital you didn't let me go and see her because you said I had 'training' to do so I could become the number one hero. That was an excuse for you to beat me and now that you are retired hero you will be forgotten and when I step down so you know I can grow old with my beautiful and kind mate'' I say as I pull izu closer to me.

My father was in shock izu just looks up at him and says ''hi... um sho can we go also I can't breathe'' I loosen my grip on him. suddenly my father smiles at me ''SHOTO my boy you finally did it, you stud up to me and I'm happy to meet your mate he is beautiful as you said well goodbye shoto'' and then go fly off?? This just confused me to a point I just realized that izu was telling me something.

''So can we go now'' I just nod still not letting go but he just smiles at me and then got comfortable I smile at this.

Time skip

When we reach the hospital izu was asleep and I cant lame him he's like a little cat and he is the cutest cat I have ever seen. I pick him up and walk into the hospital and they just let me go through because I knew my way but whatever I'm just glad they didn't wake izu. i make it to my mother's room and knock seeing as it was just the afternoon and she was most likely to be awake.

''Come in'' I hear a gentle voice call out I open the door since I was caring izu in one arm because he was so small. When I open the door I see the kindest smile I have ever seen on my mothers face as she motions me in '' so shoto who's this'' she wispers having that knowing smile on her face. ''Mom this is my mate Izuku midoriya'' her smile gets even brighter and said '' can you wake him I want to meet him'' I smile and nod.

I start to shake him lightly and he stirred in his sleep ''mmm'' ''izu were at the hospital and my mother wants to meet you'' his eyes shot open. ''WHAT'' he said surprised, this had made me and my mother laugh at his actions. His face turns red from embarrassment which made my mother giggle ''midoriya, are you the son of inko midoriya'' he nods smiling ''how is she''. Izu frowns and starts to explain how his mother died but left out the part of abuse and rape.

My mother frowns at this information and hugs my mate which makes me jealous so I take izu back which makes them both giggle at me. ''I'm sorry for me sleeping when I got here I have been told I'm like a cat or a kitten'' this made my mother laugh. The laughs of these two people make life worth living ''ohh uhh mom izuku's pregnant'' her eyes go wide and she spits out what she was drinking.

''So I'm going to be a grandma'' she says as tears start to form in her eyes even though she is already a grandmother to 3 other little pups from my brother and sister. ''Mom you already are a grandma to 3 others you know your other kids'' she laughs at me. ''Sho its special every time now shush the omegas are talking'' this makes izu laugh which I might say is music to my ears.

As I just listened to there conversation and scented izu I could see that my mother was smiling more than normal. Maybe it was her meeting my mate or was it the baby news I just couldn't decide but I don't care as long as they were happy. Izu was in my lab just having so much fun with her and I felt good with him in my arms as my hand landed on his stomach his smile just got so bright.

(My dad is forcing me to get on a good sleep schedule and so I'm writing to keep myself awake... GOD I HATE SCHOOL)

Time skip an hour

Izu started to drift off as he couldn't keep the conversation going my mother and I smile at him ''shoto you picked a good one'' she smiles at me. I smile back at her ''shoto take him home he looks tired, I love you'' I hug my mom goodbye and izu wakes up just in time to do the same my mother kisses him on the head. We start to head home in the car and izu unbuckles himself and crawls on my lap to fall back asleep.

Hey, this is the end of the chapter, and look forward to the next!!

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