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Izuku's POV

Sho had gone to work and I was getting lonely I had no one to spend time with anymore and I did not want to go outside I want sho home again yesterday all we did was sleep although I did like it when he was holding me and we were snuggling, after all, I was just left alone for a week straight and he just wants to tease me by not petting me when I wanted him to I was alone and scared and my heat and he thought that it was funny to tease me like that well it was not.

I know what to do ill tease him back ill make sure I get my revenge but I want his attention I hate my dang omega it always wants his attention but I'm going to push it down. I'm going to get my revenge for all the teasing...

Time skip

I wait at the door for sho to get home and when he does i am wearing his t-shirt with Vary short shorts and I made sure my hair was extra puffy and soft. I'm letting my sent free no hiding it like I usually do. When he does open the door everything backfired. His sent was so much more powerful than usual and I was ready to jump on him, put my nose in his neck but I stopped myself. He, on the other hand, did not stop himself he just hugged me and his head was and my neck before I could say anything.

He was sweaty and warm and smelt so so good, I started to purr and let me tell you I did not have any control over it when he started to pet me. He picked me up, sat on the couch, and put me on his lap. We stayed like this for an hour and I was so content with this. My omega was very happy to get the attention and I did miss having someone to talk to... I missed him. ''What were you trying to do is'' I froze ''umm nothing'' he gave me a low chuckle ''you were getting revenge on me for not petting you yesterday weren't you'' am I that readable I mean I swear I was able to hide it a bit better than that but I guess not.

''What had given it away'' I say my ears dropping a little ''you can't tell'' he laughed, I did not like him laughing at me but I did not feel like moving so I just bit him a little '' what was that for'' he sounded happy for some reason '' making fun of me'' he just hugged me tighter ''your sent gave it away...'' that is bad. I had let out my sent to tease him but it gave away the whole plan. '' dang, that backfired'' he laughed some more and I was kinda sick of it ''shut up'' I know I sound like a spoiled 5-year-old but he was hurting my feelings and being a meany.

I get up even though my omega was begging me not to and walk to the other end of the couch and sat right down and curled up into a little ball. I know I want to be in his arms again but he was mean and I don't like that. This was when I decided to look over at him...yeah the wrong choice he looked pissed off to the max and my omega was about to start crying so I get up and go back over there. When I look at his face he was a lot calmer but I still had that really scary face in my head and I want to cry. God why do I have to be such a baby?

I'll give you a little lesson about me:

1. I'm a special omega
2. Due to being a special omega I'm more submissive
3. My sent smells a lot better than normal omegas
4. My sent can get 10X worse during my heat
5. I have a preheat
6. During this preheat I desire attention
7. leaving me alone during this time will give me a slight depression
8. Staying with me during this time will benefit you because I know I can trust you at least my omega a does
9. My heat is painful like a lot of omegas are
10. My heat can make me delusional because of the extreme fever I have during a heat
11. My body is a lot smaller than most
12. My hair is softer than others and puffer
13. My skin is extremely soft
15. I require a lot of attention (like most omegas)
16. I'm more sensitive than most omegas
17. Do to all of these things I'm am just about the perfect omega and that can be good and bad for me...

I don't know why I wanted to tell you that but I felt it was important.

I loved cuddling but I do need to be a little brave right but I just don't know when he looks at me I feel safe but the way he had looked at me just then... it scared me I want to cry but I know that if I do that he will feel bad for what he had done. I did not feel like making him feel bad after all it was me who decided to act like a brat and get up. I look up at him again and he seems to be a lot calmer at this time. why do I act like this around him he is not my alpha yet I feel like I belong to him already and to be honest I like it a lot.

I don't want to sleep I spent the whole day waiting for him like a dog. I love the attention he's giving me, sure he can be scary but he won't hurt me, will he...

Todoroki's POV

I know I should not have given him that very cruel stair but I have been at work all fucking day, I wanted to spend time with him and him being all pouty and not let me pet him was pissing me off. He's so cute too but now all I can smell is his fear pheromones and all I can see is that scared face that he mad only moments ago. I know that he was only acting human but so was I and the way he was acting was like he was trying to piss me off. I know that he does not know what I have been doing and he does not know how much I need him by my side.

My alpha started to scream at me 'than tell him you dumb ass' '' I'm sorry for glaring at you like that I know that you don't know that I had a bit of a rough day'' he looked up at me smiling "what?'' I was very interested in why he had that smile on his face ''it's nothing... I was just contemplating something and you solved it for me. Anyway tell me about it'' ''tell you about what?'' He looked at me like I was an idiot (i can't blame him) ''your day'' now I get why he had given me that look.

Time skip ( I don't want to have to tell you about the day cuz that boring)

After a while, i could feel myself get a little hungry and I was hungry he was so I get up without thinking. Yep, that varied stupid... he fell straight to the ground and woke up hmm that so stupid I think I do need to not get so used to him being in my lap I had almost completely forgotten that he was there. When I looked down on him he had looked so fucking hurt I wanted to kill myself for making him look like that. '' I'm so so so~ sorry I had forgotten you were there I was going to get up and make something to eat'' he looked less hurt.

I had started to laugh ''you really like food don't you'' he looked me dead in the eye and. Said '' more then you know'' and that made me think ''i-is katsuki a better cook than me'' he looks at me with one the most evil gins and says '' much'' and walks out of the room. That had stung my ego so bad but I do know that he is just mad at me for dropping him and I do know that I was a bit mean to him earlier so I will forgive him.

Sorry this had took a while to update I was having to do this thing I do not like to do with my family it was called 'spending time together' and they even made me go outside *shivers*

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