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Karen stumbled through a hospital door while clutching her stomach. She went up to to the front desk and met a woman looking down at papers.

"I need help." Karen says. The lady doesn't even flinch she just continued to look through her papers.

"Mmmmm. And what's your name?" The nurse asked going over to the computer. When Karen didn't say anything the woman repeated herself. "What is your name? The lady asked again speaking a little louder. Karen said nothing yet again but she could feel she could feel herself getting dizzy. She tried to speak but she passed out and fell to the floor.

The woman looked up after hearing the thump and ran over to where Karen was laying.

"We need help out here."The lady got down on her knees and studied Karen's body.

"I said we need help!!" She yelled. The woman moved Karen hands that were covering her stomach that revealed a gun shot wound. In a matter of seconds there were people putting her onto a stretcher and rushing her into an emergency room.

Ryan's POV

I ran into the living room where it looked like Brenda and Joe were having a serious conversation. But that would just have to wait I had some big news to tell everyone.

"Ooh la la. Joe and Brenda finally getting together." I teased them Brenda's cheeks flushed red and Joe gave me a hand signal that wasn't very polite.

"I know you both love me. But I need everyones attention." I said waving over Laya and Curtis who were in the kitchen eating. I watched as Curtis came into the living room with an apple and took a seat. Laya on the other hand brought her whole plate that had eggs bacon and the whole shabang.

"What did you find out something about Joseph?" Laya asked sitting on the couch across from me.

"As a matter of fact I did. I found a couple of things."

"Like what?" Curtis said taking a bite out of his apple.

"Like he's alive. And I know where he is." I said going over to Laya and taking one of her bacons.

"You know where he is?" Joe asked.

"Yeah I know exactly where he is. Your not the only one who knows how to track people down." I said biting the bacon. He nodded and smiled at me.

"So where exactly is he?" Brenda asked.

"Bridgestone Mental Institution."

"Where exactly is that?" Curtis asked me.

"It's in Oregon. Which is about ten hours from here."

"How will we get here?" Laya said looking up at me.

"We could steal a car." I suggested. Joe looked at me like I grew two heads and I just shrugged. "Guess Not." I muttered.

"Or we... could take the bus" Joe said still looking at me weirdly. I just sent a big old grin his way making sure to show my dimple. He just grinned and turned away.

"Alright coach bus it is." I said. "When do you guys want to go?"

"As soon as possible. Because that means the sooner this all will be over." Joe said.

"I agree."

"So I should call my dad and see if he can get us some tickets for a coach bus to Oregon." Laya said getting up.

"What does you dad do exactly because he apparently has a lot of money." I asked because really, like he had a beach house we could use this man could get us plane tickets like that.

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