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                                            Chapter 6

When Curtis got out of the hospital he was in a wheelchair still paralyzed. " It's good to be home isn't it dad." Karen said with a innocent smile. Curtis looked at her with his eyes big with fear. "Listen when you start back moving and talking you better not say anything OK." I mean I could of killed you right then and there but I didn't." Matter of fact the first thing you say better be thank you." Curtis continued to look on with fear. "We have company coming over just so you know." He's my date we're having dinner here ISN'T THAT GREAT. Oh if you're wondering why we're eating here it's because I need to make sure he's not a phycopath or anything."

When her date showed up they sat at the dinner table along with Curtis. Her date was the man she had met at the gas station. His name was Joe. " So you said you guys where in an accident," He whispered. " Yeah." Karen whispered back. " Well then how did you get out safe?" "I didn't have time to unbuckle both our seatbelts." she said. " Can we please change the subject." she said with sorrow. She was faking but she was a good actor. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." he said remorsefully. " Do you want me to-" " No let's just go watch tv." she interuppted. Karen knew he was about to volunteer to leave.The rest of the night they had alot of fun and learned alot about each other. Well technically they didn't know everything about each other. Joe didn't know Karen was mentally unstable.

That night Karen was giving Curtis a bath. It was the a very uncomfortable bath for Curtis I mean there he was being washed by the person threatning to kill him. Well it wasn't as uncomfortable as it was creepy. As Karen was wash Curtis' hair she began singing.

"Ring-a-round a rosie,

A pocket full of posies,

Ashes!Ashes! We all fall down."

As she she said the last word in the song she pushed Curtis' head under the water. She hummed the song two more times before lifting him out of the water. "My mom used to sing that song to me when I was little. I added the last part on."  She smiled proudly like a child that just accomplished something for the first time. She helped him to his bed and tucked him in. "Soon you'll be walking and talking again and i'll make sure you don't try anything." she whispered in a sweet tone as she ran her hand through his head. He closed his eyes and she left the room.

 The next morning Karen was talking to Curtis in the living room. " You did good yesterday. If you keep it up we could actually be friends. Even though your already my father. We'll have a special father-daughter bond." Curtis' eyes widened with fear again. " See those eyes are going to get you hurt. You can't do that in front of people they'd think you were scared or something. If people begin to think your scared they're going to think i'm hurting you which is not true." In that moment the her cell phone began to ring. She checked her pocket and realized her phone was in the kitchen. She answered it and mouthed that it was Curtis' nurse Brenda. She told Karen that she was on her way over to check on Curtis.

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