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Joe's POV

"God please don't let it be her." I kept repeating in my head. In clear view was Brenda lying on top of Karen both of them unmoving.

"Brenda?" Ryan asked in a shaky voice. Relief soon washed over me as I watched Brenda roll off of Karen.

"Come here." I said in a little voice as she ran into my arms. I hugged her as tightly as possible.

"Good shot." Curtis said sounding a little out of breathe. I was confused as to what he was talking about until I looked down. There Karen was lying still with a gun shot wound in her stomach.

"I'm just glad you're okay." Ryan said joining in our hug. I watched as Curtis stared at something with tear brimming his eyes.

"Curtis what-" then I saw it.

"Oh my gosh." Brenda said turning to throw up.

"You okay" Ryan asked pulling him away from Jean's lifeless body.

"Its all my fault." he stated blankly. Before I could reply I heard Brenda say murmer something from behind me.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"She's gone." I looked to where Karen once was. There was nothing there but a blood stain.

"We gotta get out of here." Ryan said pulling Brenda with him and Curtis and I in tow.

Laya's POV

"Exuse me can I use you're phone sir?" I asked a man walking past me.

"Yea sure " the man said but I could see he was watching me intently like he thought I would still his phone. Quite frankly I couldn't blame him I did look pretty bad. I made sure to stay close as I called Brenda.



"Laya!" I could here shuffling in the back letting me k ow that everyone was now listening.

"Laya is that you?" I heard Ryan ask.

"Yeah its me listen guys. I have some really important stuff to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Um I can't say now. Meet me at the beach house?"

"Yea we're here anyway. Well be waiting okay." Brenda said.

"Okay." I ended the call and handed the man his phone back.


"OK first off I just want you all to k ow that I didnt leave you. I just needed answers and I should've said something but-"

"Its cool." Ryan said cutting me off giving me a smile.

"Good." I said smiling back.

"Okay so I went a did a little research on our friend Karen. Her mother was found murdered. " I watched as all of their eyes got big. I nodded my head. " Yeah stabbed to death. Her father kept repeating something about Karen knows the truth or something like that."

"Maybe she did it." Curtis said.

"Wait, on top of that her dad was charged with insanity because of his repeated outburst and put into a mental institution." Just as Joe was about to talk I interrupted. "But wait it gets better. She was put into a mental institution too. Until she escaped and they searched for her for months. They didn't find her so she's presumed dead."

"Wait so what your saying is everyone thinks she's dead." Joe said.


"I think we should just try and find out what really happened the night her mother died."

"I bet twenty her dad didn't do it." Ryan said standing up.

"A lot has happened while you were gone." Brenda said looking at me.

"Like what?" everyone just got quiet and looked at Curtis.

"Um Jean..Jean died." he said getting choked up.

"What oh my gosh what happened."

"Karen she called me from the house and told me she had Jean. All I remember is being hit from behind with something. Then I woke up and Karen killed her right in front of me." he said looking like he was picturing it.

"Its all my fault." he stated. " I thought I was getting a second chance at love but I ruined it. Do you have any idea what it feels like to loose someone meant a lot to you. I didn't just loose one person I lost three."

"Actually I do." Joe stated. "So as you guys know me and Ryan have been friends since childhood. But it wasn't always just me and Ryan. His younger brother was also my best friend."

"We were like the three musketeers." Ryan commented. Joe chuckled but then choked up.

" David and I decided to join the SEALS. We promised to have each other's back no matter what and to keep each other safe." Tears started brimming in his eyes and Ryan swallowed the lump in his throat.

"So one day we were on a mission when people opened fire on us. Someone ran out of ammo so we had to run back to base and David was in front of me. The last thing I remember was David getting shot in the back of the head and him falling to the ground. Then a whole cave of SEALS exploded. And I was the only one to live. Not only did I let down Dave. But the whole team."

"I that's why I didn't want Ryan involved because I couldn't live with myself knowing it was my fault that he and his brother died."

"It's not your fault David died. He was just at the right place at the wrong time." Ryan said putting a hand on Joe's shoulder.

"You know what we need to find Karen's father." Brenda said wiping a tear from her eye she was affected by Joe's story as well as everyone else in the room.

"His name is Joeseph." Laya stated sniffling.

"No wonder Karen has taken such a liking to Joe." Ryan said trying to lighting up the mood.

"Let's just hope he's still alive." Curtis added.


Is Karen's father dead or alive?If he's alive could he have answers and where could he be?If he is dead how'd he die?

First I'd like to thank everyone for reading this. This is my first story and I know there are certain areas I could be better
at but thanks for sticking it out with me. Love you all✊. Until next time.✌

Please tell me your thoughts on this chapter and like and share.

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