Not A Single One Of My Multiple Personalities Likes You

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Chapter 9: Not A Single One Of My Multiple Personalities Likes You

Imrei POV

The door to the bedroom opens despite me ignoring Obi's knocking so I shoot him a glare before turning away and asking what he wants. I hear him sigh followed by the rustle of fabric before Obi appears in front of me. I look up as he holds his shirt out toward me. I arch a brow and mumble for him to keep it.

"Just take it Imrei. You'll get sick if you don't dry off and get warm by the fire. We can't travel safely if you're unwell."

"You wanted it so badly though." I hum.

"Quit being stubborn." He sighs. "I'm trying to be nice."

"Is it because you feel guilty that you don't know why I hate you?"

"Damnit Imrei, you make it so hard to be nice to you! I don't know how Mitsuhide does it." He huffs and my eyes widen as he pulls the blankets off of me.

"What are you doing?"

He doesn't answer me but I'm swiftly picked up and carried into the main room and put on the floor in front of the fire. His shirt lands on my head a second later and he snaps at me to hurry up and change as he goes back into the other room. I sigh and peel off my sleeveless shirt and put Obi's shirt on before removing my bra and pants. I lay them over the chairs around the room to dry before sitting in front of the fire again.

"I'm dressed." I call out as I let my hair out of the ribbon.

"Imrei, what did I do?" Obi asks as I feel a blanket settle around my shoulders.

"Do you really not remember?"

"I don't. I just know you've hated me for a year and a half now."

I sigh and rake my fingers through my hair.

"It was the fourth kickback we held after you came to stay at the castle and Garak, Mitsuhide, and I sat with you. Things were fine and we all got along nicely. You started to flirt with me... and I got caught up in it. You offered to walk me back to my room since yours is down the hall and I agreed. You kissed me that night... my very first kiss... But then the next morning I heard you talking to gardeners, you said-"

"That I just did that to boost your confidence since no one would ever want you..." Obi finishes and I nod. "Imrei, I'm so sorry."

"I don't need apologies Obi. I don't want them either. It didn't bother me that badly."

"It bothered you enough to have you hate me for a year and a half now. I-I didn't mean it though."

"Whatever you say. I'm going to bed now." I mumble as I get to my feet, leaving the blanket behind.


"Goodnight Obi."

I wake up shivering and bury myself deeper in the blankets. My whole body is drenched in sweat and I curse. I'm sick. It's okay though, we'll still make it to the castle as planned as long as we keep moving. The storm is gone leaving sunlight to stream in through the dingy curtains. I scowl at the brightness and sit up but the room swims around me. With a curse, I slowly force myself to stand and hold onto the bed frame until everything steadies again. I peek my head out of the room and find Obi stretched out across the couch. I can see the long jagged scar across his chest from here. I'd seen it a few times before over our time together but never asked what happened. I move through the room to check my clothes and gather the dry ones to put on. Everything seems to be dry except for my shirt. Obi's other shirt is dry though. I take my clothes into the other room and dress, leaving Obi's extra shirt on and knot the hem so it's not quite as baggy on me. I pull my hair back with the ribbon and stop in the bathroom to freshen up before going to wake Obi.

Obi and I move through the trees as quickly as possible but every movement leaves me feeling like my feet have been filled with lead and my head is underwater. We just need to hurry up and make it to the castle so we can go back home. I'm still upset about the marriage, Miron, and what Obi said last year. I don't know why it bothers me so much. It's just Obi and it's not like the kiss meant anything anyway. We haven't spoken beyond the pleasantries since I went to bed last night and that's a good thing. If he finds out that I'm sick, he will complain and when we get back he'll tell Mitsuhide and he will complain. That's too much complaining for me.

"Let's break for lunch." Obi says and I curse under my breath.

"Sure." I stop and lean against a tree to keep myself from falling over.

Obi hands me a bottle of water in exchange for an orange. I carefully lower myself to the ground and start to peel my orange. I eat slowly and pray that I'll feel a little better when I'm done. We have another full day and a half of travel before we reach Shenazard Castle, then wait for the response, then do the trip back. I feel like death warmed over and we've only been traveling for four hours. We get to our feet when we're done but as I start to stand everything swims around me and I grab Obi's arm to keep myself steady.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I quickly let go.

"Yeah, yeah. Just got up too fast."

I stand fully but my knees give out immediately and everything goes black.


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