I Hope One Day You Choke On The Shit You Talk

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Chapter 23: I Hope One Day You Choke On The Shit You Talk


Two minutes. I looked away for two minutes as she talked to one of the maids nearby. That was all it took for Imrei to disappear. No one noticed until a guard near the border wall saw her bracelet on the ground and came to find Mitsuhide. Against my wishes, he came with me as we went to find her. My mind had immediately gone to Miron's threat but how could he have gotten onto the grounds without being seen and how did he get back out if it were the case? That's something I guess we'll never find out since we did find them using his poorly concealed trail and I killed him. Now Imrei is asleep on my back as Mitsuhide and I return to the castle.

"If you hate me that much and don't want her around me, why did you go along with the plan?" I ask him, breaking the silence.

"It was what Zen wanted and I know how she felt about you, at least at one time. I hoped that maybe even if Zen's plan didn't work, that you would be smart enough to try to repair the damage done."

"Are you in love with Imrei?"

My heart constricts at the almost inaudible intake of breath beside me followed by a sigh. "I'm her best friend."

"Why haven't you told her? You're her favorite person so I doubt she would turn you down. I mean she isn't exactly married or anything..."

I put Imrei in bed and cover her with the blankets so she can sleep in warmth and comfort. I go to leave, but I can't get myself to open the door. What if I leave and something happens to her again? I've let her down so many times already... Lying to her now is bad enough. When she wakes up, I'll tell her what I've learned. She'll hate me for not telling her as soon as I knew but I'd rather her hate me for that than force her to continue to pretend we're married. I sigh softly and settle in a chair by the bed and gently push her hair out of her face. She stirs slightly, her eyes appearing as very narrow slits and she grabs my hand and laces her fingers through mine before her eyes close and she falls still again with a small smile on her face. I look at her and our interlocked hands with wide eyes. When she does things like this it makes me wonder if she doesn't hate me after all.

I wake to the sound of quiet sniffling and find Imrei crying in her sleep. A frown crosses my face and I gently tug my hand from her grip, then move around to the other side of the bed. Once I'm settled, I wrap my arms around her and lightly pull her close. I let one hand drift through her hair and she slowly starts to settle after a few minutes. I continue running my fingers through her hair though and feel myself starting to fall asleep again. Hopefully she will get to sleep peacefully for a while longer.

When I wake again, Imrei is gone. My thoughts instantly go to Miron and find myself reaching for a dagger but I quickly remember that I'd taken care of him once and for all. She's probably in the ballroom or with Mitsuhide. I hope she is anyway. I head to the ballroom first and find it empty. The kickback spot was empty as well, so I head off in search of Mitsuhide. I need to tell her the truth before things get worse. I find Mitsuhide heading back from the training field with the knights. Imrei isn't with him.

"Have you seen Imrei?" I ask as I fall into step with him.

"You shouldn't be the one asking considering I left you with her."

"I woke up and she was gone. She's not in the ballroom or out back so I thought she would be with you."

"She's around here somewhere. Miron's no longer a problem so she's safe now. What's going on?"

I sigh and run a hand through my hair before responding. "I'm going to tell her the truth."

"What?" He stops walking and gives me a look of disbelief.

"I don't want to keep lying to her. It was a dirty trick and I can't keep hurting her more. She needs to know that the marriage is fake and we've been pretending."

"You do realize that you'll lose her when you tell her, right?"

"I do, but letting her believe she's my wife when she isn't, isn't the right way to do things."

"Well, you two made my decision a lot easier..."

Mitsuhide and I turn around to find Imrei glaring at us through tear filled eyes. I wanted her to find out but definitely not this way. I open my mouth to speak but the words die on my lips as her glare deepens. She sniffles and crosses her arms over her chest.

"So this whole thing has been a trick planned by the two of you?"

"Not exactly, you see-"

"No, wait. I don't want to hear it." She cuts in, ending my response. "I trusted you... I believed this was all a drunken mix-up but instead I find out you two have been lying to me!? I should have expected as much from you Obi, considering your words after you kissed me the first time but Mitsuhide... I- you were my friend. You were the only person I trusted in this whole castle and..." She trails off to sniffle again and angrily wipes at her eyes. "It doesn't matter anymore anyway. As soon as Master Zen returns, I'm forfeiting my position under his employ and I'm leaving Wistal Castle." 

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