The Only Way You'll Get Laid Is If You Crawl Up A Chicken's Ass And Wait

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Chapter 24: The Only Way You'll Get Laid Is If You Crawl Up A Chicken's Ass And Wait

Imrei POV

I've been able to avoid Obi and Mitsuhide as much as possible. I spoke with Prince Izana and told him that depending on Master Zen's response upon his return, that I would accept his offer and leave Wistal Castle with him. I gathered my things from Obi's room and left the ring behind. I've been sleeping in the medical building underneath Garak's desk where no one would bother me. I'm always awake before the herbalists come in so no one knows. I'm just ready to leave and start over. I have nothing left here for me anymore.

I make my way through the castle and up to Prince Izana's office. He'd asked me last night to come speak with him today. As I enter the office, he looks up from his desk and a small smirk crosses his face.

"Hello Lady Imrei." He drawls and I roll my eyes as I shut the door.

"I gave up my title two years ago Prince Izana."

"Sadly." He hums as I fold myself into one of the chairs across from him. "I can't help but notice your ring is gone. Have you divorced the dark haired one?"

"If by divorcing him you mean that I found out that my so-called husband and my best friend had arranged the whole thing as some twisted plan to force me to be with him, then yes, yes I did." I scowl. "I'm just ready to leave this castle. It's nothing but bad memories here."

"They aren't all bad, are they?" A slight pout tugs at his lips and I sigh as I hold back a smile.

"In the recent years, yes. As a child, not so much. Except the time you locked me in a broom closet for four hours with a spider."

"In my defense, I simply told you that there could be a spider in there. I never said there actually was. I didn't intend on leaving you in there either, I just got distracted."

"You ate an entire cake in the kitchens then took a nap." I shoot back and he grins. "So what exactly would my new job be when we leave the castle?"

I leave Izana's office to find Mitsuhide leaning against the wall across from the doors. My heart hurts seeing him but I force a glare onto my face and start to walk away. I hear him call after me using the nickname only he used and my steps falter but I keep moving. I don't want to hear anything he has to say. Before I can round the corner, Obi appears in front of me blocking the way. I sigh and turn around but Mitsuhide has me blocked as well. As I turn back around I notice the window to my right. We're a few stories up but there's a tree nearby. I could manage, even with my arm injured.

"Imrei, I know what you're planning. I'll follow you out of that window if I have to." Obi warns and I roll my eyes as I turn toward him.

"I have nothing to say to either of you so just leave me alone."

"We just want to talk to you and explain-"

"Explain it to someone who cares, because I don't."

I ignore both of them and keep my head held high as I walk toward Obi, but as I pass I feel his hand land on my shoulder. I grab his wrist and in a fluid movement, have him forcefully kneeling at my feet with his arm twisted painfully behind him.

"Don't touch me."

I release him and leave the hall before either of them can react. Instead of following the hall like I'd planned, I duck into an alcove and settle on the small bench out of sight as the tears start to fall silenti ly. I hold my breath as I hear them pass and relax only when I can't hold it any longer and I know they're long gone. It was so much easier to avoid them when I spent my time hiding away. It's not so easy when I'm in the castle during the day and the rest of the help likes to talk. Master Zen should be back either today or tomorrow so all I have to do is keep away from them for a little while longer. My things are all packed and ready to go, whether to a new room or to a new castle, that's not been determined yet. I doubt he would force me to stay anyway, especially since I had volunteered to come work under him instead of him hiring me on his own. It was really my ties to Zen and Izana that brought me to Wistal Castle. I was set to marry the son of another noble family considering my father's status as a Lord, making me a Lady by default. I didn't want to marry the little creep and renounced my family name to avoid it, then disappeared without a trace. I ended up running into Zen, Kiki, and Mitsuhide while they were out and after explaining my situation, Zen agreed to take me in to work for him. I could never thank him enough for his kindness, but now I'm going to be leaving him. Izana offered for me to come with him to his castle and work for him instead. I'd be his messenger and a musician depending on how my arm heals, and he wants me to act as his personal attendant as well. It would be my chance for a new start... away from the people who lied to me and broke my heart. 

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