I Do Not Spew Profanities I Enunciate Them Clearly Like A Fucking Lady

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Chapter 14: I Do Not Spew Profanities I Enunciate Them Clearly Like A Fucking Lady

Imrei POV

I wake up in a panic and the jolting action sends a jabbing pain through my torso. Where did Miron take me? What did he do to me? As my eyes wander the room, I feel my left hand tightly gripping the sheets beneath me. I'm in the castle in the medical buildings. That must mean Obi found us. How am I alive? I force my breathing to calm and glance down at the weight settled on my stomach. It's Obi, fast asleep with his head on my stomach and my bandaged right hand held in his. I'm no longer wearing the black tunic I had been, now I'm in a pale blue nightgown. Obi better not have changed me...

I'm drawn from my thoughts as Shirayuki opens the door and she gives me a curious look before smiling at Obi's sleeping form. She comes to the other side of the bed and quietly asks how I'm feeling. I tell her I'm hurting pretty badly but I don't know what happened. She tells me that all Obi knew was I disappeared and he heard me scream, then found me on the ground covered in blood with Miron ready to deliver the final blow. According to her, I have cuts on my palms from the struggle and a broken wrist, along with a large gash down my torso that they had to bandage tightly. She said I was lucky it didn't need to be stitched, but if it won't seal properly this way then they may have to so I can heal.

"How long have I been here?" I ask quietly.

"Three days."

"How long has Obi been here?"

"Three days. He refused to leave your side. I did remove him long enough to change your clothes and bandage you though. Obi wouldn't say it to any of us, but I heard him talking to himself while pacing and he feels like he failed you. I heard of your accidental marriage and I know that you both don't particularly get along, but I think he cares about you Imrei."

"It's possible... Can I ask you something?"

I wake up again as I feel Obi move and I slowly open my eyes to find him staring at me, his gaze full of concern. He asks how I'm feeling and I wave off his question and instead mumble a thank you to him for saving me. Obi frowns and shakes his head. Shirayuki was right, he blames himself.


"I should have been paying more attention. He took you and I didn't even notice." He cuts in.

"I wasn't paying attention either. It wasn't your fault. You saved me and I survived, so that's all that matters. You could have just left me to die."

"I should have done more. You could have died if I hadn't gotten there in time. He was about to kill you because I wasn't doing my job."

"Obi, you did your job. You're only supposed to be my partner, not my bodyguard. It's okay and I'm okay I promise. Did you report it to Master Zen?"

He shakes his head. "Master isn't at the castle. He was called away to one of the forts. He won't be back for two weeks apparently. I'm sorry, but it seems like you'll be stuck with me for a little longer."

Shirayuki releases me from the infirmary the following morning with strict orders to take it easy and be careful. Despite assuring her and Obi as well that I am perfectly fine to get around on my own, I find myself being helped across the grounds to the servant's quarters. Obi still didn't leave my side even after I told him I was going to be fine. We reach our building strip and stop in front of my door. Marnie, one of the maids, comes out of her room and notices us..

"Oh, you're back. That isn't your room anymore though, Imrei."

I arch a brow and ask what she means. The brunette enters her room again then returns with an envelope. I take it from her and read my name on the envelope, then pull out the letter. It's from Master Zen, congratulating us again on our marriage and telling me that since we are married, we have been granted the privilege of sharing quarters. My belongings have been relocated to Obi's room. I exhale softly and fold the letter again before smiling at Marnie.

"Oh, thank you for letting me know."

Obi leads me down the hall to his room and once the door is shut, I wad up the letter and toss it at the wall.

"I'm going to kill him. I'm fairly certain that's treason and highly frowned upon, but seriously!? He knows this whole marriage is some stupid punishment for my crimes in a past life so why the hell did he take my room away from me?" I huff.

"I'll sleep on the floor so you can have the bed." Obi mumbles and I stop and turn to him.

"No, no, that's alright. It's your room."

"Correction, dear wife, it's our room for now. As your husband for now, I'm giving up the bed for your comfort since you're hurt."

"You've been sleeping in a chair for the past three days Obi, you take the bed." I say definitively, trying carefully to cross my arms over my chest.

My eyes widen as I'm suddenly lifted into his arms and I can tell he's trying to be careful with me, then I'm placed on the bed.

"You get the bed, Imrei. End of discussion." He looks down at me with a lopsided grin.

"You're insufferable." I sigh as he yawns. "Obi- I- uh, would you-"

He arches a brow and I sigh and start over.

"You must be tired from the past few days... Would you like to take a nap? I-I'll make room for you and everything... Just don't try anything funny or I'll kick you."

I avoid his gaze as I speak and everything is quiet for a moment afterward until I hear his shoes lightly thud on the floor and the bed moves behind me. I shift slightly to get comfortable and my eyes widen as I feel his arms delicately wrap around me.

"Goodnight Imrei."

"G-Goodnight Obi..." 

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