Chapter One

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This was crazy. Absolutely crazy. No way that hotheaded idiot would listen to me! He wouldn't listen to anybody, and I'm definitely not anybody special to him. I forced him into a friendship, and yeah, I have absolutely no regrets, but still, he'll think we're seeing him as lesser because we're trying to save him. This won't work. Yet, I couldn't not try. So now here I am, in the air with Midoriya and Iida holding me as we propel—yeet—ourselves off of Todoroki's ice above the league of villains. What am I doing? I extend out my arm, heart heavy and eyes hopeful. Please work! "COME!!" I shout down into the battlefield. Not even a second later, I see a puff of smoke, and my heart goes crazy. Suddenly, his hands grabbing mine, and he's smiling, a big, genuinely happy toothy grin. My heart nearly leaves my body.

"You stupid or something?" He growls, but it has no real bite to it. "Maybe I am." I chuckle. But you're safe. I add to myself. He doesn't need to know my feelings. He probably has some perfect, amazing soulmate, and I probably don't have one. That's why I can see all colours except for one. I believe it's red? I'm not sure. It's a sign of not having a soulmate most of the time, sometimes it means you have one. I'm pretty sure I don't have one. And yes—I am aware my hair is dyed red, I can't see it, but I've heard it's a beautiful colour.

Bakugou Katsuki, whoever your soulmate is, they better love the hell out of you. 

We land safely, and I feel an ache in my chest as he lets go of my hand, but what can I do? I shrug it off, and we hurry out of the area so All Might can finish what he has to. As he squeeze into the crowd of people, I can't help but notice when Bakugou's hand brushes against mine. I turn to look at him, but he's not even looking. He didn't mean to, right. Why would Bakugou mean to touch my hand? He did hold it, but . . . that was so we could save his skin. A soft sigh escapes my lips, but I'm startled out of it by cheering, All Might speaking, Deku crying, Bakugou glaring at Deku crying, and a very,  very knocked out All For One. What the hell did I miss? I should pay more attention, damn. I turn to the blonde next to me again, and this time, he's staring at me.

I jump a little, before flashing one of my toothy grins, causing him to "tsk" and shake his head. "Come on," Momo speaks, "Let's get out of here." We all agree. I go to grab Bakugou's hand again, and I'm not even surprised when he pulls away, his usual emotionless scowl on his face as he follows the others out, pushing through the crowd. Right, he doesn't like me like that.

"Oi, shitty hair! You coming?" He called back through the crowd. "Oh, right. Coming!" I jump out of my trance and race after him, us both weaving through crowds and trying not to bump into too many people as we race to catch up with the group. Once we did catch up, we waited together for farther instructions, all of us scarily quiet, lost in our own thoughts. Iida clearly wondering how dead we'd be when Aizawa got a hold of us, Deku and Momo wondering how to get out, god only knows what's on Todoroki's mind, Bakugou looking pissed that he had to get rescued, and then there's me, sitting here fantasizing hopelessly about my hotheaded crush who probably didn't even actually like me.

Who am I kidding? Of course he didn't. Why would anybody want me? I feel bad for my soulmate, I hope they meet somebody else before they meet me. Nobody deserves to be stuck with me, I'm boring, and honestly, I shouldn't even be in UA, my Quirks' useless. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay, Kirishima?" It was Midoriya. "Yeah," I chuckle softly, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm okay. Don't worry." I look to Bakugou, and for once, I can't read his expression. Is he angry? Is he sad? Is he worried? I shake my head. No, bad Kirishima! 

I sigh, and smile at Deku. "Let's wait and see what we're instructed to do. Maybe we can help people get on the trains?" Everybody seems to agree to that, so we head down to the train station since their open again.

I brush my hand against Bakugou's as we walk, being behind everybody, and testingly try to grab it, surprised when he lets me hold it. I smile softly, but he just "tsks" and keeps walking, still holding my hand.

Stop playing with my feelings . . .

And here's my new book! Apologies if updates take a long time, I wanted to get this up last week, but.. something came up in my family. Please be patient with me, and I am super into this ship, so I will try and update it as often as I can. Promise!


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